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Our funding

We owe it to you - your support truly allows us to help women and girls living in poverty change their lives, for good. The charts and information below details how we are funded.

A chart showing ActionAid International's funding by category. 49% individual giving, 10% philanthropy, 36% institutions, 5% other

Over 70% of the Federation’s total external income is generated by the five countries set out in the following figures. Malawi and Denmark’s income is overwhelmingly from Institutional sources; whereas Greece, Italy and the UK are each a mix of income types that is weighted towards Individual Giving.

Chart showing ActionAid International's largest income countries: UK 27%, Italy 21%, Denmark 15%, Malawi 6%, Greece 3%

DANIDA (Danish International Development Agency) was our largest institutional donor in 2018, contributing approximately €18 million. The great majority of funding from the Global Fund was to Malawi.

Largest donors (€ millions)

2a. Individual giving Restricted
Total 2018
ActionAid International Secretariat
2,730 - 2,730 6,604
Australia 176 1,700 1,876 1,870
Brazil 1,633 1,607 3,240 4,090
Denmark 9 2,044 2,053 2,418
France 40 489 529 526
Greece 3,672 2,654 6,326 6,443
India 458 - 458 450
Indonesia 8 726 734 382
Ireland 902 763 1,665 1,962
Italy 18,727 21,553 40,280 41,797
Nigeria 18 8 26 24
South Africa 185 79 264 288
Sweden 1,598 1,616 3,214 4,044
Thailand - 516 516 181
The Netherlands 23 817 840 925
Vietnam 12 - 12 14
UK 13,109 25,807 38,196 40,843
USA 31 86 117 205
Sub-total 43,331 60,465 103,796 113,006

2b. Philanthropy & Partnerships
Total 2018
Major Donors 5,040 1,502 6,542 4,425
Corporate Partnerships 2,675 321 2,996 850
Trusts and Foundations 4,514 3,745 8,259 17,928
Other Philanthropy & Partnerships 2,376 269 2,645 4,404
Total Philanthropy & Partnerships 14,605 5,837 20,442 27,607
A breakdown of ActionAid International's institutional income

Breaking Barriers - funded by Norad

Breaking Barriersis a four year, Norad-funded multi country project which seeks to address some of the key barriers that prevent children, especially girls and marginalized children from enjoying their right to free, quality, inclusive public education. The barriers include discrimination, inadequate financing and the proliferation of private, low-cost schools. The project is being implemented in Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria and Tanzania.

The project’s objectives are structured around ActionAid’s 4S framework for education financing, emphasizing the need to ensure that:

  • Governments take actions to increase thesizeof national budgets by raising fair tax
  • Governments take actions to increase theshareof funds allocated to and spent on free, quality, inclusive public education
  • Public education policies, systems and expenditure aresensitiveto the rights of girls and marginalised children
  • A strong active movement of community and civil society structures effectivelyscrutiniseeducation budgets and expenditure and hold governments to account for the provision of free, quality, inclusive public education especially for girls and marginalised children.

You canlearn more about the project hereandread the contract here.A list of our sub grantees is available here.

A number of logos of organisations that fund our work

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