
TheClearleftoffice will be deserted from Thursday of this week to Tuesday of next week. That’s because everyone is going to be letting off steam at geek Summer camp:South by Southwest Interactive.

This will be my third year at the conference and I’m really, really looking forward to it. Sure, the panels and presentations will probably be good but the real reason for going is just to see all my friends and peers gathered together in one place. Most of San Francisco will be transplanted to Texas for a few days, the Philly gang will be there en masse, the Seattle-ites will be flying their geek flag high, the Oz Squad will represent (and I can’twaitto see them again) and, of course, theBrit Packwill be out in full force.

As I didlast year,I’ve put together a microformatted Gmapped list of parties and events I’m planning to get to atAdactio Austin.You cansubcribe to the calendarand stick it on your phone or iPod if you want an easy way to keep track of the time and location of the next party while you’re in Austin.

Of particular note isThe Great British Booze-up,a party extravaganza organised by Clearleft,Boagworldand@media America.There will be booze and food a-plenty as well as great company. Mind you, there’s a lot of other good stuff on that evening. I may have to nip out to seeCindyparticipate in20 x 2and get tothe Heather Gold showfor a beer. In any case, I’ll start the evening at theYahoo BarTaband finish atSouth by NorthWest.

Not every night is as busy as that. Friday looks relatively free (apart fromBreak Bread with Bradwhich isnotat the Gingerman this year—it’s at Buffalo Billiards).Brian Oberkirch pointed outthatLucinda Williamswill be playing over at Stubb’s that night. I may go to that if I can round up a posse of like-minded fans of her own gravelly brand of Southern country.

So overall it’s shaping to be one hell of a good time…


My enjoyment of South by Southwest is going to be tinted by a heavy dose of regret. That’s becauseJessicawon’t be coming. The Home Office is extending her residence permit. That’s taking quite a bit of time, to put it mildly. While that’s going on, they’ve got her passport so she can’t leave the country so she can’t come to Austin. This, as you can imagine, makes me quite upset.

Traveling without my soulmate feels strange, as if I’m only half there. I’m sure I’ll still have a grand ol’ time in the heart of Texas but if you see me with a hangdog expression every now and then, you’ll know the reason why.

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