
Apple Inc. is my accidental marketing department.

On April 29th, 2010, Steve Jobs published his infamousThoughts on Flash.It thrust the thitherto geek phrase “HTML5” into the mainstream press:

HTML5, the new web standard that has been adopted by Apple, Google and many others, lets web developers create advanced graphics, typography, animations and transitions without relying on third party browser plug-ins (like Flash). HTML5 is completely open and controlled by a standards committee, of which Apple is a member.

Five days later,I announcedthe first title from A Book Apart:HTML5 For Web Designers.The timing was purely coincidental, but it definitely didn’t hurt that book’s circulation.

Fast forward eight years…

On March 29th, 2018,Apple released the latest version of iOS.Unmentioned in the press release,this update added service worker support to Mobile Safari.

Five days later,I announcedthe 26th title from A Book Apart:Going Offline.

For a while now, quite a few people have cited Apple’s lack of support as a reason why they weren’t investigating service workers. That excuse no longer holds water.

Once again, the timing is purely coincidental.But it can’t hurt.

Have you published a response to this?:


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# Liked by Gunnar Bittersmann on Friday, April 20th, 2018 at 4:31pm

Related posts

Service worker resources

Hyperlinks to help you get your site working offline.


Giving thanks.

Going Offline, available now!

A Book Available.

The audience for Going Offline

A book about service workers that doesn’t assume any prior knowledge of JavaScript.

Announcing Going Offline from A Book Apart

I’ve written a book about service workers for web designers. You can pre-order it now.

Related links

as days pass by — Farmbound, or how I built an app in 2022

Stuart writes up the process up making a mobile game as a web app—nota native app. The Wordle effect reverberates.

It’s a web app. Works for everyone. And I thought it would be useful to explain why it is, why I think that’s the way to do things, and some of the interesting parts of building an app for everyone to play which is delivered over the web rather than via app stores and downloads.

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Going Offline with ServiceWorker | text/plain

This is such a nice review ofGoing Offlinefrom Eric!

As anyone who has received unsolicited (or solicited) feedback from me about their book knows, I’m anextremelypicky reader, and I have no significant complaints on this one. Highly recommended.

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Express Review: Going Offline by Jeremy Keith – Daniel Koskinen

A short’n’sweet review ofGoing Offline:

Jeremy nails it again with this beginner-friendly introduction to Service Workers and Progressive Web Apps. The foreword to the book says “you’ll gain a solid understanding of how to put this new technology to work for you right away” and I’d say that is very accurate.

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Jeremy Keith: Going Offline | visualgui

Here’s a lovely review ofGoing Offlinefromfellow author,Donny Truong:

Jeremy’s technical writing is as superb as always. Similar tohis first book for A Book Apart,which cleared up all my confusions about HTML5,Going Offlinehelps me put the pieces of the service workers’ puzzle together.

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Going Offline | Aaron Gustafson

Aaron was kind enough to write the foreword to my new bookGoing Offline.Here it is in full.

In Going Offline, Jeremy Keith breaks down heady concepts into approachable prose and easy-to-follow code examples. He also points out service worker gotchas and shows you how to deftly avoid them. Invest a scant few hours with this book, and you’ll gain a solid understanding of how to put this new technology to work for you right away. No, really—within fifteen to twenty minutes of putting it down.

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Previously on this day

9 years ago I wrote 100 words 029

Day twenty nine.

17 years ago I wrote Hyperdrive

Last night in San Francisco.

20 years ago I wrote Into the west

I’ve been pretty busy lately and not just with web-related stuff.

21 years ago I wrote WAP

I’ve cobbled together a little WAP version of this journal.

22 years ago I wrote Respec' to the Queen Mum

I’ve avoided any mention of the Queen Mother here, mostly because it doesn’t interest me in the slightest.

22 years ago I wrote Can a Windows guy learn to love the Mac? You bet!

Remember I wrote about the ZDNet journalist who was going to switch over to using a Mac for a month?

22 years ago I wrote Kaliber10000 { The Good Vibe Provider }

Good news: K10K is back.