UX London early-bird pricing ends soon

Just look atwho’s speaking at UX London this year!That’s a damned fine line-up, if I do say so myself. Which I do.

If you haven’t procureda ticketyet, allow me to gently remind you that early-bird ticket sales finish on March 14th. So if you want to avail of that bargain of a price, get in there now.

The event will be three days long. You can buy a ticket for all three days, or you can buy individual day tickets (but buying a three-day ticket works out cheaper per day).

The first day,Tuesday, June 18th, focuses on UX research.

The second day,Wednesday, June 19th, focuses on product design.

The third day,Thursday, June 20th, focuses on design ops and design systems.

Each day features a morning of inspiring talks and an afternoon of brilliant workshops. I’ll be adding titles and descriptions for all of them soon, but in the meantime, don’t dilly dally—get your ticket today!

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Speak up

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UX London 2023 | Flickr

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Previously on this day

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