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How to read a taxobox
Gāst crabba
Cræftlicu endebyrdung
Rīce: Animalia
Stefn: Arthropoda
Understefn: Crustacea
Flocc: Malacostraca
Hād: Decapoda
Underscipe: Pleocyemata
Infraorder: Brachyura
For þǣm steorran, sēoCrabba (steorra).

Þācrabbansindontīenfōtlīċsċilldēorþæsbrāden cynnesBrachyura,þe habbaþ swīþe sċeortne tæġl( "Brachyura" isGrēciscfor "sċeort tæġl": brakhús = sċeort; ourá = tæġl).Hī libbaþ in ealre weorolde sǣm, and in fersċum wætere, and on lande, habbaþ twāclaweand sindon behelmed mid ūterbānum (Grēcisċ:exoskeletós).


[adiht|adiht fruman]
Crabba (Atergatis floridus) æt Miċel Īeȝland, Hawaii

Sōþe crabban habbaþ tīensċancan,þā fyrste habbaþ clawe, and sind ne for styrunge. On ealle ac feawe crabbas (bisenung,Raninoida), þæthrifis under þǣm brēoste behȳden, in þǣm grōwenum tīde. Þāmūþdǣlasþāra crabbra sind be brādummaxillipedumbesettod, and þæt fore þesbrēosthelmesne hæfþ lāngnenebb.