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Dweligende tungol

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Dƿeligenda tunglas
Dƿeligende steorran and dƿeorgsteorran
Ðā inneran dƿeligendan tunglas
Ðā fēoƿer entas mid þǣre Sunnan

Dƿeligend tungoloþþeplanētais heofontungol þe færþ ymbe þāSunnan.Grēcas gēafon þissum þingum hiera naman, þæt is onGrēcisceαστήρ πλανήτηςþǣrof sind hiera Englisce naman. Hīe habbaþ þisne naman forþǣm þe hīe ne folgiaþ efen pæþ þurh rodor be nihte.

Eahta dƿeligende tunglas and fīf dƿeorglice dƿeligende tunglas ƿāt man in þǣreSunnlican Endebyrdnesse,þā sind be feornesse of þǣreSunnan:

  1. ☿Ƿōden
  2. ♀Frig
  3. 🜨Eorðe
  4. ♂Tīƿ
  5. ♃Þunor
  6. ♄Sætern
  7. ♅Uranus
  8. ♆Neptune

Þunor is se mǣsta dƿeligenda tungol; his ƿiht is 318 Eorþan hefignessa and Ƿōden is se lēohtosta - his ƿiht is 0.055 Eorþan hefignesse.