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All classifications will be included by default.
When limiting by date range, the lower bound of the "from" date and the upper bound of the "to" date are used.
For example, searching withFrom: 2012-02andTo: 2013 will search for papers submitted from 2012-02-01to2013-12-31.

You may filter on either submission date or announcement date. Note that announcement date supports only year and month granularity.



  • Use? to replace a single character or * to replace any number of characters.
  • Can be used in any field, but not in the first character position. See Journal References tips for exceptions.


  • TeX expressions can be searched, enclosed in single $ characters.


  • Enclose phrases in double quotes for exact matches in title, abstract, and comments.


  • Sorting by announcement date will use the year and month theoriginal version(v1) of the paper was announced.
  • Sorting by submission date will use the year, month and day thelatest versionof the paper was submitted.

Journal References:

  • If a journal reference search contains a wildcard, matches will be made using wildcard matching as expected. For example,math*will matchmath,maths,mathematics.
  • If a journal reference search doesnotcontain a wildcard, only exact phrases entered will be matched. For example,mathwould matchmathormath and sciencebut notmathsormathematics.
  • All journal reference searches that do not contain a wildcard are literal searches: a search forPhysica Awill match all papers with journal references containingPhysica A,but a search forPhysica A, 245 (1997) 181will only return the paper with journal referencePhysica A, 245 (1997) 181.