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Maria Manuel Dias da Mota

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Maria Manuel Dias da Mota
Nacimientu Vila Nova de Gaia,27 d'abrilde1971[1](53 años)
Nacionalidá Bandera de PortugalPortugal
Residencia Lisboa
Llingua materna portugués
Estudios University College London
Universidá de Porto1994)maestría
University College London1998)Philosophiæ doctor
Llingües falaes portugués
Oficiu académica,bióloga,malarióloga(es)Traducir,científica
Emplegadores Universidá de Lisboa
Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência(es)Traducir
NYU Langone Medical Center(es)Traducir
National Institute for Medical Research(en)Traducir
Instituto de Medicina Molecular(en)Traducir
Miembru de Organización Europea de Bioloxía Molecular
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Maria Manuel Dias da Mota(27 d'abrilde1971,Vila Nova de Gaia) ye unacientíficaportuguesa.[6][7]

En 1992, naUniversidá de Porto,llogró unallicenciaturaenbioloxía,realizando la somaestríaeninmunoloxíaen 1994, y eldoctoráuenparasitoloxíamolecular en 1998, defendiendo la sotesisParasitoloxía MolecularpolaUniversity College de Londres,Reinu Xuníu.Realiza actividaes académiques nelInstitutu de Medicina Molecular, (IMM),como investigadora principal na Unidá de Malaria.[8]Y dende 2005, yeprofesoraconvidada na Facultá de Medicina de laUniversidá de Lisboa.

Delles publicaciones

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  • a.c. Pena, n. Penacho, l. Mancio-Silva, r. Neres, j.d. Seixas, a.c. Fernandes, c.c. Romão, m.m. Mota, g.j. Bernardes, a. Pamplona.2012.A novel Carbon Monoxide-Releasing Molecule (CO-RM) fully protects mice from Severe Malaria.Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 56 (3): 1281-90
  • f.p. da Cruz, c. Martin, k. Buchholz, m.j. Lafuente-Monasterio, t. Rodrigues, b. Sönnichsen, r. Moreira, f.j. Gamo, m. Marti, m.m. Mota, m. Hannus, m. Prudêncio.2012.Drug screen targeted at Plasmodium liver stages identifies a potent multistage antimalarial drug.J Infect Dis. 205(8): 1278-86
  • r. Capela, g.g. Cabal, p.j. Rosenthal, j. Gut, m.m. Mota, r. Moreira, f. Lopes, m. Prudêncio.2011.Design and Evaluation of Primaquine-Artemisinin Hybrids as a Multistage Anti-Malarial Strategy.Antimicrob Agents Chemother
  • c.s. Gomes-Santos, j. Braks, m. Prudêncio, c. Carret, a.r. Gomes, a. Pain, t. Feltwell, s. Khan, a. Waters, c. Janse, g.r. Mair, m.m. Mota.2011.Transition of Plasmodium sporozoites into liver stage-like forms is regulated by the RNA binding protein Pumilio.PLoS Pathog 7(5):e1002046
  • s. Portugal, c. Carret, m. Recker, a. Armitage, d. Sullivan, roy Cindy, c.j. Newbold, h. Drakesmith, m.m. Mota.2011.Host-mediated control of Malaria Superinfection.Nature Medicine 17 (6): 732-7
  • r. Frita, m. Rebelo, a. Pamplona, a.m. Vigario, m.m. Mota, m.p. Grobusch, t. Hänscheid.2011.Simple flow cytometric detection of haemozoin containing leukocytes and erythrocytes for research on diagnosis, immunology and drug sensitivity testing.Malar J. 10:74
  • b. Douradinha, k.d. Augustijn, s.g. Moore, j. Ramesar, m.m. Mota, a.p. Waters, c.j. Janse, j. Thompson.2011. Plasmodium Cysteine Repeat Modular Proteins 3 and 4 are essential for malaria parasite transmission from the mosquito to the host.Malar J. 10(1):71
  • k. Slavic, m.j. Delves, m. Prudêncio, a.m. Talman, u. Straschil, e.t. Derbyshire, z. Xu, r.e. Sinden, m.m. Mota, c. Morin, r. Tewari, s. Krishna, h.m. Staines.2011.Use of a selective inhibitor to define the chemotherapeutic potential of the plasmodial hexose transporter in different stages of the parasite's life cycle.Antimicrob Agents Chemother 55(6): 2824-30
  • j. Langhorne, p. Buffet, m. Galinski, m. Good, j. Harty, d. Leroy, m.m. Mota, e. Pasini, l. Renia, e. Riley, m. Stins, p. Duffy.2011.The relevance of non-human primate and rodent malaria models for humans.Malar J. 10(1): 23
  • j. Lavrado, g.g. Cabal, m. Prudêncio, m.m. Mota, j. Gut, p.j. Rosenthal, c. Díaz, r.c. Guedes, d.j. Dos Santos, e. Bichenkova, k.t. Douglas, r. Moreira, a. Paulo.2011.Incorporation of Basic Side Chains into Cryptolepine Scaffold: Structure-Antimalarial Activity Relationships and Mechanistic Studies.J Med Chem. 54(3): 734
  • f.g. Baptista, a. Pamplona, a.c. Pena, m.m. Mota, s. Pied, a.m. Vigário.2010.Accumulation of Plasmodium-infected red blood cells in the brain is crucial for the development of cerebral malaria in mice.Infect Immun. 78(9): 4033-9
  • d.p. Dowling, m. Ilies, k.l. Olszewski, s. Portugal, m.m. Mota, m. Llinás, d.w. Christianson.2010.Crystal Structure of Arginase from Plasmodium falciparum and Implications for l-Arginine Depletion in Malarial Infection.Biochemistry 49(26): 5600-8
  • s. Epiphanio, m.g. Campos, a. Pamplona, d. Carapau, a.c. Pena, r. Ataíde, c.a. Monteiro, n. Félix, a. Costa-Silva, c.r. Marinho, s. Dias, m.m. Mota.2010.VEGF promotes malaria-associated acute lung injury in mice.PLoS Pathog6(5): e1000916
  • p. Liehl, a.r. França, m. Prudêncio, e. Latz, a. Zaidman-Rémy, m.m. Mota.2010.Phosphothioate oligodeoxynucleotides inhibit Plasmodium sporozoite gliding motility.Cell Microbiol. 2(4): 506
  • i.h. Ploemen, m. Prudêncio, b.g. Douradinha, j. Ramesar, j. Fonager, g.j. van Gemert, a.j. Luty, c.c. Hermsen, r.w. Sauerwein, f.g. Baptista, m.m. Mota, a.p. Waters, i. Que, c.w. Lowik, s.m. Khan, c.j. Janse, b.m. Franke-Fayard.2009.Visualisation and quantitative analysis of the rodent malaria liver stage by real time imaging.PLoS One 4(11): e7881
  • o. Silvie, m.m. Mota, k. Matuschewski, m. Prudêncio.2008.Interactions of the malaria parasite and its mammalian host.Curr Opin Microbiol. 11 (4): 352-9
  • m.m. Mota, a. Rodriguez.2008.New pieces for the malaria liver stage puzzle: where will they fit?Cell Host Microbe 14;3 (2): 63-5
  • ------------. 2006.Be in motion.Mol Microbiol. 60 (6): 1327-8
  • ------------,s. Giordano, a. Rodriguez.2004.Targeting Plasmodium host cells: survival within hepatocytes.Trends Mol Med. 10: 487-92
  • ------------,a. Rodriguez.2004.Migration through host cells: the first steps of Plasmodium sporozoites in the mammalian host.Cell Microbiol 6: 1113-8
  • Métodu pa la prevención de la infeición de la malaria n'humanos por antagonistes del factor de crecedera de hepatocitos. Sudáfrica: patente Non. 2005/ 08178. Sobre la base de la International PCT Publication Nᵘ WO2004/080420, African Reg. Ind. Prop. Org. – Application Nᵘ AP/P/2005/003411, Brasil – Aplicación Nᵘ PI040826 8-0, China – publicación Nᵘ CN1809382A, Europa – publicación Nᵘ 601378, Hong Kong – publicación Nᵘ 1093903A, Xapón – aplicación Nᵘ 2006-507105, EE. XX.- publicación Nᵘ US 2004-0185050 A1[9]
  • Usu de inhibidores de proteínes scavenger receptores pal tratamientu d'enfermedaes infeicioses (WO/2007/101710), aplicación internacional Nᵘ PCT/EP2007/002110, fases nacionales inicializadas en EE. XX., XE, Canadá, China n'ochobre de 2008[9]
  • Usu de inhibidores de quinasas de receptores pal tratamientu d'enfermedaes infeicioses, aplicación provisional de EE. XX. Nᵘ 61/110,217, archiváu 31 d'ochobre de 2008[9]

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