.NET on AWS Sample Applications

Developer Book
Developing on AWS with C#

Authors Noah Gift, founder of Pragmatic AI Labs, and James Charlesworth, engineering manager at Pendo, take you through the depth and breadth of.NET development on AWS.

Monolith to Microservice Journey for.NET Apps
Monolith to Microservice for .NET

This technical guide covers considerations for refactoring a monolithic ASP.NET application into a microservice-based architecture.

Guide to Microsoft workloads modernization
Monolith to Microservice for .NET

In this guide we cover the common approaches our customers use to modernize their Windows-based and.NET applications and tools, services, and the support AWS has to help you in your modernization journey.

Sample Applications

Below you will find links to sample applications that utilize.NET and a variety of AWS services. Each link will take you to a GitHub repository containing everything you need such as important prerequisites, workflow diagrams, and how to instructions. Before using some of the sample applications you must log into your AWS account or create an AWS account. You can find more code examples on theAWS Developer Code Examplespage.

Bob's Used Books

Bob's Used Books is a sample application built on ASP.NET Core 6.0 that represents a real-world application. It is a monolithic n-tier application with an ASP.NET Core MVC front end and a Microsoft SQL Server database backend. The MVC application contains a customer portal and an administration portal. The customer portal enables customers to search for books, select and add them to a shopping cart, and work through a simulated check-out process. Customers can also offer their own books for resale through the website.

Blog post

AWS AI Service Examples

Amazon Web Services empower your applications with AI capabilities. These examples illustrate facial analysis from an image usingAmazon Rekognition,automated document processing withAmazon Textract,batch and real-time document translation withAmazon Translate,and how to uncover insights from documents usingAmazon Comprehend.

AWS Text-to-Speech Assistant

Using an AWS Text-to-Speech assistant you can upload a PDF file, have the text in that file read and then converted to an MP3 file. This process is completed using an Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)to receive the upload,Amazon Textractto read the text and thenAmazon Pollyto convert the text to an MP3 file.

Compare Faces

In this sample application you can use.NET on AWS to compare a photo against several other photo images. When the user uploads the image to anAmazon Simple Storage Service (S3)bucket, a notification is sent toAmazon EventBridgeand EventBridge triggers anAWS Step Functionsworkflow.Amazon Rekognitionthen compares the photo against several other photos.

Analyze Customer Reviews

This sample app teaches you how to build an application which analyzes customer reviews. The analysis begins when a review is submitted to theAmazon API Gatewaywhich passes the HTTP request toAWS Step Functions.After the request is madeAmazon Comprehendis invoked using anAmazon EventBridgerule and determines if a review is positive or negative. A message is then sent to the reviewer usingAmazon Simple Notification Serviceand if the review is negative a customer service representative is notified. The process ends when a complete audit trail is saved inAmazon DynamoDB.

ML Integration - Media catalog

Amazon Rekognitionenables you to catalog and analyze an image to determine if it contains offensive material. The sample app uses Amazon Rekognition to detect the content of the image and build a cross reference between the items discovered and stored images.

Using AWS Lambda functions, a non public SQL Server, and AWS Secrets Manager together

This sample demonstrates two ways to solve the issue ofAWS Lambdafunctions connecting to both a non-publicly accessible database on a virtual private cloud (VPC) andAWS Secrets Manager.The first approach uses anAmazon VPC NAT Gatewayto give your VPC connected Lambda function access to the internet. The second uses anAmazon VPC Endpointto give your VPC connected Lambda function access to the AWS Secrets Manager service only

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