Key Management Service (KMS) Service Level Agreement

Last Updated: November 29, 2022

This KMS Service Level Agreement ( “SLA” ) is a policy governing the use of KMS ( “Service Name” ) and applies separately to each account using KMS. In the event of a conflict between the terms of this SLA and the terms of theAWS Customer Agreementor other agreement with us governing your use of our Services (the “Agreement” ), the terms and conditions of this SLA apply, but only to the extent of such conflict. Capitalized terms used herein but not defined herein shall have the meanings set forth in the Agreement.

Service Commitment

AWS will use commercially reasonable efforts to make KMS available with a Monthly Uptime Percentage for each AWS region, during any monthly billing cycle, of at least 99.999% (the “Service Commitment” ). In the event KMS does not meet the Service Commitment, you will be eligible to receive a Service Credit as described below.

Service Credits

Service Credits are calculated as a percentage of the total charges paid by you for KMS in the affected AWS region for the monthly billing cycle in which the Service Commitment was not met, in accordance with the schedule below:

Monthly Uptime Percentage

Service Credit Percentage

Less than 99.999% but greater than or equal to 99.0%


Less than 99.0% but greater than or equal to 95.0%


Less than 95.0% 100%

We will apply any Service Credits only against future KMS payments otherwise due from you. At our discretion, we may issue the Service Credits to the credit card you used to pay for the billing cycle in which the unavailability occurred. Service Credits will not entitle you to any refund or other payment from AWS. Service Credits will be applicable and issued only if the credit amount for the applicable monthly billing cycle is greater than one dollar ($1 USD). Service Credits may not be transferred or applied to any other account. Unless otherwise provided in the Agreement, your sole and exclusive remedy for any unavailability, non-performance, or other failure by us to provide KMS is the receipt of Service Credits (if eligible) in accordance with the terms of this SLA.

Credit Request and Payment Procedures

To receive Service Credits, you will need to submit a claim byopening a case in the AWS Support Center.To be eligible, the credit request must be received by us by the end of the second billing cycle after which the incident occurred and must include:

1. the words “SLA Credit Request” in the subject line;

2. the billing cycle and AWS region(s) with respect to which you are claiming Service Credits, together with the Monthly Uptime Percentage for that AWS region for the billing cycle and the specific dates, times, and Availabilities for each 5-minute interval with less than 100% Availability in that AWS region throughout the billing cycle; and

3. your Request logs that document the errors for your claimed outage (any confidential or sensitive information in these logs should be removed or replaced with asterisks).

If the Monthly Uptime Percentage of such credit request is confirmed by us and is less than the Service Commitment, then we will issue the Service Credits to you within one billing cycle following the month in which the credit request occurred. Your failure to provide the credit request and other information as required above will disqualify you from receiving Service Credits.

KMS SLA Exclusions

The Service Commitment does not apply to any unavailability, suspension, or termination of KMS, or any other KMS performance issues: (i) caused by factors outside of our reasonable control, including any force majeure event or Internet access or related problems beyond the demarcation point of KMS; (ii) that result from the use of KMS custom key stores (either AWS CloudHSM key stores or external key stores); (iii) that result from any actions or inactions by you (e.g. misconfiguring security groups, VPC configurations, or credential settings, disabling encryption keys or making the encryption keys inaccessible, etc.); (iv) that result from you not following the guidelines and best practices described in the KMS Documentation on the AWS Site; (v) that result from your equipment, software or other technology; or (vi) arising from our suspension or termination of your right to use KMS in accordance with the Agreement (collectively, the “KMS SLA Exclusions” ). If availability is impacted by factors other than those explicitly used in our Monthly Uptime Percentage calculation, then we may issue a Service Credit considering such factors at our discretion.


  • “Availability” is calculated for each 5-minute interval as the percentage of Requests processed by KMS that do not fail with Errors. If you did not make any Requests in a given 5-minute interval, that interval is assumed to be 100% available.
  • An “Error” is any Request that returns a 500 or 503 error code.
  • “Monthly Uptime Percentage” for a given AWS region is calculated as the average of the Availability for all 5-minute intervals in a monthly billing cycle. Monthly Uptime Percentage measurements exclude downtime resulting directly or indirectly from any KMS SLA Exclusion.
  • “Request” is an invocation of a KMS function by directly calling the KMS API.
  • A “Service Credit” is a dollar credit, calculated as set forth above, that we may credit back to an eligible account.
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