AWS Academy FAQ

We’re here to help. Get started below with answers to some of our most frequently asked questions about AWS Academy.

  • AWS Academy provides higher education institutions with a free, ready-to-teach cloud computing curriculum that prepares students to pursue industry-recognized credentials and in-demand jobs. Our curriculum helps educators stay at the forefront of AWS Cloud innovation so that they can equip students with the skills they need to get hired in one of the fastest-growing industries.

  • AWS Academy membership is open to higher education institutions that offer accredited degrees, diploma, certificates, or continuing education programs. The applicant must be authorized to act as the Program Administrator or Central Point of Contact (CPOC) for the institution they represent, or be able to provide the name and contact information of someone who can act in this capacity.

  • AWS Academy-approved educators teach AWS Academy courses at member institutions. Educators receive complimentary professional development and mentorship to ensure educators are acquiring the skills necessary to teach at the highest levels.

  • AWS Academy membership begins at the institution level. Once your institution becomes an AWS Academy member, your institution's Central Point of Contact can begin nominating educators to teach our courses. Not sure if your institution is already a member? Explore thelist of active AWS Academy member institutionsaround the world. If you do not see your institution on this list and are interested in getting started, you canapply.

  • Welcome to AWS Academy! Access to all AWS Academy courses and Learner Labs are two easy steps away! Your first step is to set up your password and log into the AWS Academy portal where you will be asked to read and acknowledge the AWS Academy Program Guide. From there, you will complete the mandatory Educator Getting Started with AWS Academy course where you will learn more about the program, course curriculum, Learner Labs, ready-to-teach process, and how to manage your class.

  • AWS Academy educators can teach courses that provide students the opportunity to develop a range of skills and expertise, from foundational cloud concepts to architecting, developing, operations, and data analytics on AWS.

  • Yes, AWS Academy educators can choose what content they deliver to their students and for how long they want to spend on any content. Each course outline recommends time allocation but it is not required.

  • There is no-cost to join. Educators may request a 50% discount voucher on their AWS Certification exams. The educator or the institution cover the remaining amount.

  • AWS Academy graduates have been employed by many customers and partners, including Accenture, Blackberry, BlazeClan, CapGemini, Citrix, D2SI, Deloitte, eCloudValley, Goldman Sachs, the Government of Ontario, Verizon Wireless, and Wipro. They work in key roles as such solutions architect, DevOps engineer, systems engineer, business analyst, and cloud consultant.

  • Most AWS Academy courses are aligned with AWS Certifications. The courses and learning resources help prepare students to take AWS Certification exams, but students are encouraged to explore supplementary studying as well. Upon completion of an AWS Academy course, badge-eligible students will receive an invitation to join the Emerging Talent Community, where they can complete challenges to earn points that can be redeemed for rewards like digital backgrounds and discounted AWS Certification Exam vouchers. *All rewards are subject to change.

  • AWS Academy provides higher education institutions with a no-cost, ready-to-teach cloud computing curriculum that prepares students to pursue industry-recognized credentials and in-demand jobs, and is intended to be facilitated by an educator. AWS Educate offers self-paced training and resources for new-to-cloud learners—including hands-on labs in the AWS Management Console.

  • JoinAWS Educateto learn cloud skills for free through self-paced online training resources designed to help you learn, practice, and evaluate your cloud skills without having to create an Amazon account.