Web Hosting Services on AWS

Get flexible and scalable web hosting services to meet all your business needs.

Why Use AWS for Web Hosting?

AWS offers affordable cloud web hosting solutions customized for businesses, non-profits, and government organizations. With a wide-range of website hosting options, we'll help you select the one that is right for you.
Broad Platform Support

AWS supports various CMS options, including WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, and more, alongside providing SDKs for popular platforms like Java, Ruby, PHP, Node.js, and.Net.

Datacenters Worldwide

Your customers can be anywhere in the world. With AWS you can have a datacenter or CDN hosting your website in any geography you choose with just a few mouse clicks.

Scalable from Day One

The infrastructure offered is designed to adapt to fluctuating website traffic, seamlessly accommodating quiet periods and sudden spikes driven by campaigns and social media sharing.

Flexible Pricing Model

Our flexible pricing model ensures you are charged only for the resources you use, with no long-term contracts and the option of pay-as-you-go or fixed monthly pricing.

Why Use AWS for Web Hosting?

  • AWS supports various CMS options, including WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, and more, alongside providing SDKs for popular platforms like Java, Ruby, PHP, Node.js, and.Net.

  • Your customers can be anywhere in the world. With AWS you can have a datacenter or CDN hosting your website in any geography you choose with just a few mouse clicks.

  • The infrastructure offered is designed to adapt to fluctuating website traffic, seamlessly accommodating quiet periods and sudden spikes driven by campaigns and social media sharing.

  • Our flexible pricing model ensures you are charged only for the resources you use, with no long-term contracts and the option of pay-as-you-go or fixed monthly pricing.

Simple Website Hosting

Simple websites typically consist of a single web server which runs either a Content Management System (CMS), such as WordPress, an eCommerce application, such as Magento, or a development stack, like LAMP. The software makes it easy to build, update, manage, and serve the content of your website.

Use Amazon Lightsail

Amazon Lightsailis the easiest way to launch and manage a web server using AWS for a low, predictable price

Best for websites built on development stacks like LAMP, LEMP, MEAN, Node.Js and that are unlikely to scale beyond 5 servers

Ideal for customers who want to manage their own web server on one console to manage their web server, DNS, and networking

Learn more about Amazon Lightsail (1:42)

Single Page Web App Hosting

Static websites deliver HTML, JavaScript, images, video and other files to your website visitors and contain no server-side application code, like PHP or ASP.NET. They typically are used to deliver personal or marketing sites. Static websites are very low cost, provide high-levels of reliability, require no server administration, and scale to handle enterprise-level traffic with no additional work.

Use AWS Amplify Console

AWS Amplifyprovides a complete workflow for developing, deploying, and hosting single page web apps or static sites with serverless backends

Best for websites built with static site generators such as Gatsby JS, React-static, Jekyll, and Hugo and for those that do not contain server-side scripting, like PHP or ASP.NET

Use for Progressive Web Apps or PWAs

Intro to AWS Amplify (4:00)

Simple Static Website Hosting

Static web apps that require only a single load in a web browser are referred to as Single page web apps. All subsequent actions by the user are made available through HTML, JavaScript, and CSS that are pre-loaded in the browser. Backend data is accessed via GraphQL or REST APIs that fetch content from a data store and update the UI without requiring a page reload.

Use Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3)

Amazon S3is object storage with a simple web service interface to store and retrieve any amount of data from anywhere on the web

Best for websites that do not contain server-side scripting, like PHP or ASP.NET and customers who do not want to manage infrastructure

Use for websites that change infrequently with few authors and need to scale for occasional intervals of high traffic

Introduction to Amazon S3 (4:31)

Enterprise Web Hosting

Enterprise websites include very popular marketing and media sites, as well as social, travel, and other application-heavy websites. For example, Lamborghini, Coursera, and Nordstrom use AWS to host their websites. Enterprise websites need to dynamically scale resources and be highly available to support the most demanding and highly trafficked websites.

Use Amazon Elastic Cloud Computing (EC2)

Amazon EC2provides resizable compute capacity in the cloud and allows you to pay only for capacity that you actually use

Best for websites that use multiple web servers across at least two data centers and those that need to scale using load balancing or external databases

Made for customers who need maximum control and flexibility for their web server configuration and administration

Introduction to Amazon EC2 (4:02)

Hands-on Tutorials

Browse through our tutorials to deepen your knowledge on building websites with AWS.
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