weak,英语单词,主要用作形容词名词,主要意思为“虚弱的,无力的;不牢固的;懦弱的,无判断力的;穷人,弱者,病人”等。 [1]
词    性


英 断体探[wiː轿婶k]愚全灶 美 [wiː蒸多驼k]
adj. 虚弱的,无力的;不牢固的;懦愉采兵弱的,无判断力的;缺乏政治(或社会)影响力的,无权白樱茅阀力的;疲软的,萧条的;不擅长,(能力)弱的;无说服力的,逻辑不周密的;力量微弱的,无强度的;(光、热或声音)微弱的,隐约的;无活力的,无生气的;(饮品)稀的;(脸的部分)瘦小的,(容貌)不突出的;(受强烈情感影响而)腿发软的;(感情)脆弱的,(态度)不坚定的;(作用或效果)弱的,差的;(动词)规则的,弱(变化)的;(音节)轻读的,非重读的;弱电解的,弱电解质的
n. 穷人,弱者,病删海渗人请船(the weak) [1]


weak /wiːk/ CET4 TEM4 ( weaker, weakest )
1.ADJ If someone is weak, they are not healthy or do not have good muscles, so that they cannot move quickly or carry heavy things. 虚弱的
2.weakly ADV 虚弱地 [ADV with v]
3.ADJ If someone has an organ or sense that is weak, it is not very effective or powerful, or is likely to fail. (人的器官、感官) 衰弱的
4.ADJ If you describe someone as weak, you mean that they are not very confident or determined, so that they are often frightened or worried, or easily influenced by other people. 懦弱的
5.weakness N-UNCOUNT 懦弱
6.ADJ If you describe someone's voice or smile as weak, you mean that it not very loud or big, suggesting that the person lacks confidence, enthusiasm, or physical strength. (声音、微笑等) 微弱的
7.weakly ADV 微弱地 [ADV after v]
8.ADJ If an object or surface is weak, it breaks easily and cannot support a lot of weight or resist a lot of strain. 易碎的; 薄弱的
9.ADV A weak physical force does not have much power or intensity. (力量) 微弱的
10.weakly ADV 微弱地
11.ADJ If individuals or groups are weak, they do not have any power or influence. (个人或团体) 弱小的; 缺少力量和影响力的
12.N-PLURAL The weak are people who are weak. 弱势群体
13.weakness N-UNCOUNT 软弱无能
14.ADJ A weak government or leader does not have much control, and is not prepared or able to act firmly or severely. (政府或领导人) 软弱无力的
15.weakly ADV 软弱无力地
16.ADJ If you describe something such a country's currency, economy, industry, or government as weak, you mean that it is not successful, and may be likely to fail or collapse. (货币、经济、工业、政府等) 疲软的
17.weakness N-UNCOUNT 疲软
18.ADJ If something such as an argument or case is weak, it is not convincing or there is little evidence to support it. (论点) 没有说服力的; (案例) 缺少证据的
19.weakly ADV 没有说服力地 [ADV before v]
20.ADJ A weak drink, chemical, or drug contains very little of a particular substance, for example, because a lot of water has been added to it. 稀薄的
21.ADJ Your weak points are the qualities or talents you do not possess, or the things you are not very good at. 弱的
22.weakness N-VAR 弱点
23.→ see also weakness [1]


weak point 弱点(心理或身体上的残疾);缺点
weak link 薄弱环节;弱键
weak force 弱作用力;弱核力;弱相互作用
weak acid 弱酸
weak rock 软弱岩石
weak spot 弱点
weak market 疲软的市场
weak light 弱光灯标;弱光灯
weak form 弱式;弱读式
weak current 弱电;弱流
weak coupling 弱耦合;疏耦合
weak base [化]弱碱
weak solution 弱解;稀溶液
weak tea 淡茶
weak earthquake 弱震 [1]


  • She was born with a weak heart. 她生来就有一个衰弱的心脏。
  • Geography was my weak subject. 地理课是我的弱项。
  • She was too weak to stand. 她虚弱得站都站不住。
  • She is still weak after her illness. 她病后仍然虚弱。
  • His weak voice was almost inaudible. 他声音微弱得几乎听不到。
  • He was a weak little mouse of a man. 他是个懦弱无能的人。
  • He was weak, cowardly and treacherous. 他软弱、胆怯、奸诈。
  • The team's weak points are in defence. 这个队的弱点在防守。
  • He became very weak towards the end of his life. 他临终时很虚弱。
  • The council was too weak to do anything about it. 理事会软弱无能,对此无能为力。
  • Strong winds can turn boats when the tide is weak. 潮汐微弱时,强风可以掀翻船只。
  • He believes him to be a weak and unintelligent man. 他相信自己是一个软弱的傻子。
  • She has an unerring instinct for people's weak spots. 她对人们的弱点有着从不出错的直觉。
  • We are here to protect and assist the weak and infirm. 我们来这里保护和帮助病弱者。
  • He voiced his solidarity with the weak and defenseless. 他表示自己站在弱势无助群体一边。
  • The president says the measure is soft and weak on criminals. 总统说这项措施对罪犯来说太宽容、软弱了。
  • Miss Holloway had a weak heart. She must have had a heart attack. 霍洛韦小姐心脏衰弱。她一定得过心脏病。
  • Any economic strategy based on a weak dollar is destined to fail. 任何基于疲软的美元之上的经济策略都注定会失败。
  • He viewed his mission in life as protecting the weak from the evil. 他把保护弱者不受坏人伤害看作自己一生的使命。
  • The weak dollar means American goods are relative bargains for foreigners. 美元疲软意味着美国产品对外国顾客来说是相对便宜的。
  • The molecules in regular liquids are held together by relatively weak bonds. 常规液体中的分子被相对较弱的结合物聚合在一起。
  • She suffered from a weak heart. 她心脏不好。
  • Grace poured a cup of weak tea. 格莱斯倒了一杯淡茶。
  • The economy is very weak. 经济十分萧条。
  • She tired easily and had a weak heart. 她容易疲劳,心脏也比较弱。
  • She managed a weak, unconvincing smile. 她勉强挤出一丝笑意。
  • He made a weak attempt to look cheerful. 他有气无力地摆出高兴的样子。
  • I was too weak to move or think or speak. 我太虚弱了,不能动、不能思维、不能说话。
  • His legs felt weak. 他觉得两腿发软。 [1]