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Tiếng Anh từ đơn
liked, tiếng Anh từ đơn, chủ yếu dùng làm động từ, làm động từ khi dịch vì “Thích ( like quá khứ thức )”.[1]
Ngoại văn danh
Từ tính
Động từ
Anh thức phát âm
Thích nghĩa
Thích ( like quá khứ thức )

Từ đơn cách dùng

Bá báo
Biên tập
Collins anh hán song giải đại từ điển
like /laɪk, laɪk/ CET4
like /laɪk/ ( liking, liked, likes )
like /laɪk/ ( likes )
1.PREP If you say that one person or thing is like another, you mean that they share some of the same qualities or features. Giống
2.PREP If you talk about what something or someone is like, you are talking about their qualities or features. ( chỉ người hoặc sự vật phẩm chất, đặc điểm ) giống… Dạng
3.PREP You can use like to introduce an example of the set of things or people that you have just mentioned. Tỷ như [n PREP n/-ing]
4.PREP You c van tuần phóng an use like to say that someone or something is in the same situation as another person or thing. Giống… Thí nguy lan giống nhau
5.PREP If you say that someone is behaving like something or someone else, you mean that they are behaving in a way that is typical of that kind of thing or person. Like is used in this way in many fixed expressions, for example, to cry like a baby and to watch someone like a hawk. Giống… Giống nhau [v PREP n]
6.CONJLike is sometimes used as a conjunction in order to say that something appears to be the case when it is not. Some people consider this use to be incorrect. Phảng phất
7.CONJLike is sometimes used as a conjunction in order to indicate that something happens or is done in the same way as something else. Some people consider this use to be incorrect. Giống… Như vậy
8.PREP You can tử đề diễn us nghiệm trọng e like in negative expressions such as nothing like it and no place like it to emphasize that there is nothing as good as the situation, thing, or person mentioned. ( dùng cho phủ định thức đoản ngữ trung ) so được với [with neg][ cường điệu ]
9.PREP You can use like in expressions such as nothing like to make an emphatic negative statement. Dùng cho cố định đoản ngữ bà con cô cậu phủ định cường điệu [with neg][ cường điệu ]
10.ADJ similar; resembling tương tự
1.V-T If you like something or someone, you think they are interesting, enjoyable, or attractive. Thích [no cont]
2.V-T If you ask someone how they like something, you are asking them for their opinion of it and whether they enjoy it or find it pleasant. Cảm thấy [no cont, no passive]
3.V-T If you say that you like to do something or that you like something to be done, you mean that you prefer to do it or prefer it to be done as part of your normal life or routine. Thích ( làm mỗ sự, thói quen mỗ sự ) [no cont, no passive]
4. Hủ về V-T If you say that you would like something or would like to do something, you are indicating a wish or desire that you have. Tưởng [no cont, no passive]
5.V-T If you ask someone if they would like something or would like to do something, you are making a polite offer or invitation. Muốn ( hướng người nào đó cung cấp trợ giúp, đưa ra mời ) [no cont, no passive][ lễ phép ]
6.V-T If you say to someone that you would like something or you would like them to do something, or ask them if they would like to do it, you are politely telling them what you want or what you want them to do. Muốn ( mời người khác làm mỗ sự ) [no cont, no passive][ lễ phép ]
1.N-UNCOUNT You can use like in expressions such as like attracts like, when yo ném chôn lang đêm u are ghế ngài hi referring to two or more people or things that have the same or similar characteristics. Đồng dạng ( hoặc tương tự ) người hoặc sự vật
2.N-PLURAL Someone's likes are the things that they enjoy or find pleasant. Yêu thích
3. → see also liking
4.PHRASE You say if you like when you are making or agreeing to an offer or suggestion in a casual way. Nếu ngươi nguyện ý nói
5.PHRASE You say like this, like that, or like so when you are showing someone how something is done. Giống như vậy; giống như vậy
6.PHRASE You use like th hung bó toàn is or like that when you are drawing attention to something that you are doing or that someone else is doing. Giống như vậy
7.PHRASE You use the expression something like with an amount, number, or description to indicate that it is approximately accurate. Ước chừng[1]

Đoản ngữ phối hợp

Bá báo
Biên tập
Being Liked làm cho người ta thích
Liked place trường học
He Liked hắn thực thích
Liked It thích nó
Well Liked tốt lắm thích
Really Liked phi thường thích
Film Liked cuộn phim cảm
If Liked nếu thích
Liked Too quá hảo[1]