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Vaschiedne Viecha

DeViecha(dt.:Tiere) san a wichtige Gruppm vo meahzejing, eukaryotischn Organismen. In dabiologischn Systematikspuid da Begriff heit koa Roin meah.Taxonomischwean Viecha haifig ois Gruppm innahoib vo deEukaryotnogseng, de wo denaPflanznaundSchwammalgengiwagstejd wean. De Zejn vo de Viecha hom im Gengsotz za de Schwammal und Pflanzna koaZejwond,sondan san vo anaZejmembranumgem. Heit san mid Viecha nua no devuizejing Viecha(Metazoa) gmoand.

Systematik vo de Viecha[Werkeln|Am Gwëntext werkeln]

Vuizejige Viecha[Werkeln|Am Gwëntext werkeln]

DeSystematik vo de Viechawead zazeid intensiv eaforschd. De foingde Doastejung gibd on aktuejnWissnsstondwieda.[1][2][3][4][5]

In da doagstejdn aktuejn Systematik foid af, doss de Coelenterata wieda bericksichtigd wean. Des gschiachd noch Philippe et al. (2009) und widasprichd zan Beispui Dunn et al. (2008). Driwa naus wean a poar gebraichliche Gruppmbezeichnunga nimma vawendd:

  • Choanoflagellates - Synonym za Choanoflagellata
  • Choanoflagellida - Synonym za Choanoflagellida
  • Choanomonada - Synonym za Choanoflagellata
  • Choanozoa - Paraphylum ausIchthyosporea,FilastereaundChoanoflagellata
  • Coelomata - Synonym fia Eubilateria
  • Diploblasta - Synonym za Coelenterata
  • Parazoa - Paraphylum aus Porifera und Placozoa
  • Radiata - Synonym za Coelenterata
  • Triploblasta - Synonym za Bilateria
  • Urmetazoa - Synonym za Metazoa

Haifig weadViecha (Animalia)ois Synonym zaVuizeja (Metazoa)gnuzd. De oa- bis wenigzejing Choanoflagellata wean demz'foig ned ois echte Viecha bedrochd, sondan ois Oat Schwestangruppm za de Viecha/Vuizeja (Animalia/Metazoa).

Oazejge Viecha (Protozoa)[Werkeln|Am Gwëntext werkeln]

De friaha za de Viecha zejdn oanzejing Viecha (Protozoa). Se stomma aus oana Reih vo vaschiedne Taxa innahoib vo de Eukaryotn. S gehd dobei um oazejge Organismen, de wo anZejkeanowa koaneChloroplastnhom und se somidheterotropheaneahn doa.

Da Mensch und de ondan Viecha[Werkeln|Am Gwëntext werkeln]

Natuawissnschoftle gseng is aa da Mensch a Viech. DeVahoitnsbiologiehod beispuisweis zoagd, doss häha entwicklde Viecha kompliziatare Vahoidsnmusta zoang und komplexare Viechasprochn vawendn wia weniga entwicklde. Aa za abstraktn Denkn san a poar Viechaoatn zmindasd in Osätzn fehig. Da Iwagong zan Mensch is oiso fliassnd.[8].

Beleg[Werkeln|Am Gwëntext werkeln]

  1. Philippe H, Derelle R, Lopez P, Pick K, Borchiellini C, Boury-Esnault N, Vacelet J, Renard E, Houliston E, Quéinnec E, Da Silva C, Wincker P, Le Guyader H, Leys S, Jackson DJ, Schreiber F, Erpenbeck D, Morgenstern B, Wörheide G, Manuel M (28. Aprui2009). "Phylogenomics Revives Traditional Views on Deep Animal Relationships".Current Biology19(8): 706-712.doi:10.1016/j.cub.2009.02.052.PMID 19345102.
  2. Dunn CW, Hejnol A, Matus DQ, Pang K, Browne WE, Smith SA, Seaver E, Rouse GW, Obst M, Edgecombe GD, Sørensen MV, Haddock SH, Schmidt-Rhaesa A, Okusu A, Kristensen RM, Wheeler WC, Martindale MQ, Giribet G (10. Aprui2008). "Broad phylogenomic sampling improves resolution of the animal tree of life".Nature452(7188): 745-749.doi:10.1038/nature06614.PMID 18322464.
  3. Shalchian-Tabrizi K, Minge MA, Espelund M, Orr R, Ruden T, Jakobsen KS, Cavalier-Smith T (7. Mai 2008). "Multigene Phylogeny of Choanozoa and the Origin of Animals".PLoS ONE3(5): e2098.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0002098.PMID 18461162.
  4. Gaidos E, Dubuc T, Dunford M, McAndrew P, Padilla-Gamino J, Studer B, Weersing K, Stanley S (17. Septemba2007). "The Precambrian emergence of animal life: a geobiological perspective".Geobiology5(4): 351-373.doi:10.1111/j.1472-4669.2007.00125.x.
  5. Steenkamp ET, Wright J, Baldauf SL. (Jenna2006). "The Protistan Origins of Animals and Fungi"(PDF).Molecular Biology and Evolution23(1): 93-106.doi:10.1093/molbev/msj011.PMID 16151185.http://mbe.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/reprint/23/1/93.pdf.
  6. Baguñà J, Riutort M (2004). "Molecular phylogeny of the Platyhelminthes".Canadian Journal of Zoology82(2): 168-193.doi:10.1139/z03-214.https://archive.org/details/sim_canadian-journal-of-zoology_2004-02_82_2/page/n11.
  7. Hejnol A, Obst M, Stamatakis A, Ott M, Rouse GW, Edgecombe GD, Martinez P, Baguñà J, Bailly X, Jondelius U, Wiens M, Müller WE, Seaver E, Wheeler WC, Martindale MQ, Giribet G, Dunn CW (22. Dezemba2009). "Assessing the root of bilaterian animals with scalable phylogenomic methods".Proceedings of The Royal Society B Biological Sciences276(1677): 4261-4270.doi:10.1098/rspb.2009.0896.PMID 19759036.
  8. Taylor AH, Elliffe D, Hunt GR, Gray RD. (21. Aprui2010). "Complex cognition and behavioural innovation in New Caledonian crows.".Proceedings of The Royal Society B Biological Sciences.doi:10.1098/rspb.2010.0285.PMID 20410040.

Im Netz[Werkeln|Am Gwëntext werkeln]

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