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HomeSkin careSimple & effective skincare routine for acne-prone skin

Simple & effective skincare routine for acne-prone skin

For many women, daily makeup makes them more confident in a crowd. However, wearing makeup daily will expose the skin to many cosmetics, significantly impacting health and skin. If you do not have a carefully and correctly skincare routine for acne, your skin will face many problems, such as acne. If you want the best makeup, you should treat acne-prone skin completely. The best skincare for acne-prone skin shared in the article below will help you.

Simple and Best skincare for acne prone skin

To improve acne, please refer to the best skincare for acne steps below. However, you can flexibly change the order of steps depending on your skin condition.

1. Remove your makeup

The first step in the acne skincare routine is to clean the makeup. Depending on your skin type, you can use water or oil-based makeup remover. Pour water/makeup remover oil on cotton and proceed to clean all parts of the face. Wipe the cotton pad gently on the face, from top to bottom, inside to outside. You can use specialized makeup removers for skin, eyes, and lips. Note: you must keep your cotton pad clean as the bacteria can get in it.

And even if you only use sunscreen, you must clean your skin thoroughly. You should remove your makeup even if you don’t use cosmetics that day. This step helps to clean dirt and sebum on the face effectively.

2. Cleansing your skin properly

Washing your face is also essential in the skincare routine for acne-prone skin. It would help if you used mild, alcohol-free and low-foaming cleansers. When cleaning, only use a size of a pea of cleaner. Apply evenly on your face and use your finger to massage over the face gently, including the bottom of your chin, to minimize acne breakouts.

3. Gentle exfoliate for acne-prone skin

Your skin regenerates daily, so it sheds old and redundant cuticles. Your job is to clean these cells so that the skin is not dull, smooth and shiny. With acne skin, you should use gently exfoliating products which has ingredients extracted from nature, containing few seeds. Too much bleach can cause more damage to the skin.

4. Facial toner/lotion

After washing your face, you need to use a toner to balance your skin’s pH. It would help if you didn’t ignore it unless you can’t find a product that suits your skin. Alternatively, you can make your DIY rose water, considered the best natural toner for the skin.

5. Use a Sheet Mask

Using a sheet mask will supply water and nutrients to the skin, helping to accelerate the regeneration and recovery process. To find the best skincare products for acne-prone skin, you should read the ingredients carefully. Do not forget to choose a sheet mask which contain ingredients that extracted from nature, such as honey, green tea, tea tree, aloe vera, tomato, etc. and alcohol-free. You should apply the mask at least twice a week.

6. Hydrate Oily/Acne Skin

Acne-prone skin needs moisture. You need to hydrate your skin with moisturizer or mineral spray. With acne skin, the mineral spray will be more beneficial than liquid cream.

7. Apply sunscreen before going out

Use sunscreen with SPF 30 or higher to protect and improve your acne skin. And do not forget to reapply the cream every 2 hours to ensure your skin is protected.

Things to remember when taking care of acne skin

Try to follow skincare principles to ensure you have the best skincare routine for acne. In particular, to have the best skincare for acne prone skin, you need to pay attention to the following issues:

Keep Acne-Prone Skin Clean

To reduce acne breakouts, cleaning the skin is the best way to remove dirt and bacteria – two common causes of acne. Dirt causes clogged pores. Meanwhile, bacteria is the factor that causes acne. Make sure to exfoliate twice a week to keep your skin clear. Besides, whether wearing makeup or not, remove makeup daily to ensure effective skin cleansing.

Keep Your Skin Hydrated

Lack of moisture is one of the leading causes of acne as the skin tends to produce oil to soothe when it is dry and tight. Oil on the skin exposed to dirt is the perfect environment for acne. That’s why ensure enough moisture for your skin if you want to overcome this situation. In addition, providing enough moisture is also a way to make your skin more bright and glowing. Water helps active ingredients penetrate deep into each cell. Besides, this is also a factor that helps to increase the elasticity and smoothness of the skin.

Balancing Skin pH

Unbalanced pH is also the cause of acne formation. Some environments with low or high pH create favorable conditions for bacteria to multiply and grow. The skin loses its pH balance after using makeup and face cleansing. Using toner, rose water or mineral spray is a way to maintain a stable pH, helping to strengthen the skin.

Use special treatment

In cases of cystic acne, or inflammatory acne, you need to use particular treatment products under the guidance of your doctor. These types of acne do not form due to common causes but with your health. Bacteria enter the body through many different routes, and dermatological treatment helps.

Vitamins and minerals

Eating decides up to 70% of your acne skin improvement. Foods high in fat will make it difficult for your body to metabolize. The skin is not provided with adequate nutrition leading to weakness and vulnerability. Adding foods rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber makes the skin healthy and clear of acne.

Daily Acne-Prone Skin Care

Careful skincare for acne routine is a way to help reduce acne significantly. However, many people have abused too many specific drugs and acne products on their skin. These products contain substances that dry the skin and reduce oil production. If the skin is too dry and tight, the oil secretion is promoted, making acne worse.

Therefore, you need to pay attention to using the right product. Skincare is regular with minimal steps but still ensures clean skin hygiene. This helps the acne skin condition to be overcome significantly.

Note when performing skincare steps for acne skin

When trying a new skincare routine to overcome acne-prone skin, you should consult your doctor first before using any skincare products on your skin. Below are things you should know when trying to take care of your skin.

Inflammatory acne

Inflammatory acne is a reasonably sensitive skin condition. Therefore, we must pay attention to proper care.

  • Limit exfoliation for the skin: Scrubbing exfoliating products quickly causes acne spots to break and more severe inflammation. It would help if you only gently exfoliate and use it once a week.
  • Balancing the skin’s pH with toner: Helps stabilize the skin’s environment, creating moisture to prevent skin drying.
  • Avoid regular makeup as it can cause skin irritation or allergies that worsen acne.
  • Building a healthy lifestyle.

Oily pimples

  • Wash your face twice daily to wash away dirt and accumulated sebum.
  • Use toner for the T-zone that often produces a lot of oil.
  • Consider products with salicylic acid (BHA) and glycolic acid that helps remove excess oil that causes breakouts.
  • Use oil blotting paper handy when you go to work or school, and remove excess oil without fear of drying out your skin.
  • It would help to choose sunscreens that do not contain much sesame oil to clog pores.

Hidden acne

Acne hidden under the skin always makes skin rough, no longer smooth and spotless. To prevent hidden acne, you should note the following:

  • Facial steaming pushes the acnes hidden deep under the skin up.
  • Choose a gentle cleanser with a pH of 5-6
  • Exfoliate your skin twice a week to remove the old cells that cause acne to come out
  • Use a special acne cream for hidden acne.
  • Stay away from unhealthy foods like fried, spicy, or high-sugar foods.

Above are the best skincare for acne principles that you can consider trying. We hope they will help you improve your skin and quickly regain smoothness and glowing. Follow all the skincare steps to get healthy and beautiful skin.

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