7 Principles for Exceptional Performance

There is an old proverb that states: tall oaks from little acorns grow. Businesses focus on an idea plus some develop into successful ventures. Back in 1997 a smaller group of entrepreneurs through the UK, as well as Ghanaian business partners, established the Blue Skies fruit processing factory in Ghana. The concept involved processing tropical fruit, chilling and air-freighting for the UK and elsewhere in Europe. Passenger planes were flying from Accra each evening with convenience of additional cargo, so transport was available.

Business success builds on a specific vision, but this has to be backed by proactive behavior and effective action. During the newbie there was ought to identify and overcome obstacles that will have prevented the newest company from achieving critical mass. As in many business situations, progress much simpler if stakeholders are identified, potential problems are avoided, and resources are focused effectively. With a completely operation, systems should be applied. By 1998 the Blue Skies business had began to export products.

One point out note is Blue Skies, just like ventures, required a team of men and women to overcome initial problems and assist the business grow. Initially, there were a must confirm the possible market, clarify essential measures in the distribution process and identify how to construct the factory. In nearly all organizations, there’s benefit in going through the network of connections that give rise to successful outcomes. This becomes increasingly crucial in modern business.

The Blue Skies story offers a useful illustration of successful investment in a very developing economy. The start-up highlights issues pertaining to individual initiative, teamwork and private resilience. There was also the must appreciate the wider social and cultural context. The Sustainable Agriculture Group from the World Bank included Blue Skies in a very guide to making value chains work with agribusiness in Sub Saharan Africa.

The guide observed that since 2000, the corporation has grown tremendously, expanding its value chain with many additional operations into its processing facilities. It goes onto note that several factors adding to Blue Skies’ success… including high numbers of trust, sharing of data, innovation, value addition, positioning collaboration, and risk mitigation. Blue Skies emphasizes prompt payment to farmers, the production of training and education on EurepGAP standards, certification of farmers, interest-free loans for dedicated farmers, and willingness to boost local road infrastructure to enhance access to farms by company trucks.

Looking time for 1997, we are able to see the steps that enabled a smaller start-up business to become a multi-national operation with production facilities inside a number of countries. The vision supplies the start point, but other guiding principles also help with long-term success.

The book, 7 Principles for Exceptional Performance explores the need for developing an obvious vision, based on a positive, proactive approach. This is the Second with the 7 Principles discussed inside the book, which challenges old assumptions and identifies the steps ultimately causing positive future change.

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