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Plantilla:Llista d'episodis

De la Viquipèdia, l'enciclopèdia lliure
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For lists that include only titles, air dates, etc, with no summary, remove|ShortSummary=,which removes cell and line separator colouring.


Episode listparameters (and basic guidelines)
A number representing the episode's order in the series. For example, the first episode would be 1 or 01, and so on. When defined, this parameter also creates a link anchor, prefixed by "ep"; for example, "[[List of episodes#ep01]]".
A second episode number column. Useful for when a series aired in a different order, or only included certain episodes, etc.
Títol Títol original de l'episodi en català. El títol apareixerà ennegretai entre cometes ( "" ), per això, no us caldrà editar-lo. Enllaceu el títol quan l'article hagi sigut creat
Títol alternatiu de l'episodi. Si el títol principal és la traducció oficial d'una sèrie estrangera, caldrà editar en aquest apartat el títol en la llengua original (anglès, francès, castellà, etc). Es mostrarà sota el títol principal entre cometes.
Unformatted parameter that can be used to add areferenceafter Title, or can be used as a "rawtitle "to replace Title completely.
Aux1(opcional) Optional parameter. The meaning is specified by the table header.
DirigitPer(opcional) Nom del director de l'episodi.
EscritPer(opcional) Nom del guionista de l'espisodi.
Optional parameters. The meaning is specified by the table header.
Data d'emissió del capítol, és a dir, quan es va emetre per primer cop a la televisió.
Data alternativa d'emissió. Si és una sèrie extrangera, editeu en aquest apartat la data d'emissió a la televisió catalana, o en el seu defecte, a l'Estat espanyol.
The production code in the series. When defined, this parameter also creates a link anchor, prefixed by "pc"; for example, "[[List of episodes#pc01]]".
Aux4(opcional) Optional parameter. The meaning is specified by the table header.
Resum breu de l'episodi (100-300 paraules). Feu resums informatius que descriguin el contingut de l'episodi. Make summaries specific to that episode (as in, a description that would normally not be confused with another episode). Episode summaries must not be copied from other sources, as this violatesWP:COPYRIGHT.
Hex codes for the separator line between episode entries. Use code without the#.#00ff00would be entered as00ff00.When none is defined the color defaults to "#CCCCFF".
Colors the main row of information (that is, not the ShortSummary row). When not defined, if ShortSummary is defined, this defaults to #F2F2F2; otherwise, it defaults to the table default.

La plantilla mostra la informació de la següent forma ({{{LineColor}}}not shown, since there's no text to display, just a color):

EpisodeNumber{{{EpisodeNumber2}}} "{{{Title}}}"

Ús de la plantilla


When using optional parameters (such asAux1,AltDate,etc) only list the parameters that are being used, and adjust the table headers accordingly. This will help avoid confusion when one entry has a parameter filled out and another does not. A table cell will be open for a listed parameter, whether it is filled out or not.

To apply an entry to an episode listing add the following where the episode would go in theList of episodes.

{{Llista d'episodis
| EpisodiNúmero =
| EpisodiNúmero2 =
| Títol =
| TítolAlt =
| TítolR =
| Aux1 =
| DirigitPer =
| EscritPer =
| Aux2 =
| Aux3 =
| DataEmissióOriginal =
| AltDate =
| ProdCodi =
| Aux4 =
| ResumCurt =
| ColorLínia =

Because this is only part of aWikiTable,you first need toopenthe WikiTable. You need to edit this example according to the optional parameters that you want to show in your table. For example to create a list with only EpisodeNumber, Title, OriginalAirDate, ProdCode, and ShortSummary parameters:

{| class= "wikitable" style= "width:100%; margin:auto; background:#FFFFFF;"
! width= "20" |#!! Title!! width= "120" |Original air date!! width= "120" |Production code

The Television episode template(s) would the follow here

{{Llista d'episodis
| EpisodiNúmero = 1
| Títol = Cartman Gets Probed
| DataEmissióOriginal = {{start date|1997|08|13}}
| ProdCodi = 101
| ResumCurt = Space aliens implant a transmitter in [[Eric Cartman|Cartman]] and abduct [[Kyle Broflovski|Kyle]]'s brother.
| LineColor = 333333

After the final episode entry/template you will need to close the WikiTable with:




This entry:

{{Episode list
| EpisodeNumber=01
| Title=Cartman Gets Probed
| OriginalAirDate={{start date|1997|08|13}}
| ProdCode=101
| ShortSummary=Space aliens implant a transmitter in [[Eric Cartman|Cartman]] and abduct [[Kyle Broflovski|Kyle]]'s brother.
| LineColor=333333

Would appear as follows (shown without table headers):

# Title Original airdate Production code
01"Cartman Gets Probed"13 d'agost de 1997(1997-08-13)101
Space aliens implant a transmitter inCartmanand abductKyle'sbrother.



Occasionally, when dealing with a very long series, you may wish to break the list up into separate sublists. When doing so, the list should be broken at season breaks, or otherwise years.

Sublists should be named as "List ofXepisodes (seasony) ", and transcluded onto the main list to prevent ending up with two lists of duplicate information. For sublist pages, you should use{{Episode list/sublist|List ofXepisodes}}for each episode, where "List ofXepisodes "is the name of the main episode list. So, for instance, if you're working onList of Lassie episodes,you would split it intoList of Lassie episodes (season 1)andList of Lassie episodes (season 2),and each episode on the sublist would use{{Episode list/sublist|List of Lassie episodes}}.When transcluded onto the main list, this template strips out any summaries and alternates the background row color between light and dark gray, depending on the value of{{{EpisodeNumber}}},but any custom{{{LineColor}}}coloring is left intact.

For the purpose of transclusion, each sublist should make use of<onlyinclude/>tags, with the opening tag just after the "Episode list" or "List of episodes" header, and the closing tag at the very end of the episode list. This prevents the lead, external links, references, templates, categories, interwiki links, and all other unnecessary information from being transcluded onto the main list.

When transcluding onto the main list, you should make use of{{main}}.For example, referring toLassieagain, the main list would have the following code under the "Episode list" header:

===Season 1===
{{article principal|List of Lassie episodes (season 1)}}
{{:List of Lassie episodes (season 1)}}

===Season 2===
{{article principal|List of Lassie episodes (season 2)}}
{{:List of Lassie episodes (season 2)}}

Note the colon (:) at the beginning of the transclusions (for example, {{:List of...); this is necessary when transcluding non-templates to prevent a redlink from appearing. If you tried to transcludeList of Lassie episodes (season 1)without using the colon, you would getPlantilla:List of Lassie episodes (season 1):a redlink to a nonexistent template.



It may be helpful to include a hidden message that will appear when someone edits the article. Placed above the table headers and under the article section, such as:

<!-- For help with this template see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template_talk:Episode_list -->

This message won't be visible when normally viewing the article. A message such as this notes where one can get help for the template.

Episode list templates


Show-specific hacks and other sub-pages





For shows where each episode is from a different, single, specific place (for example,Time Team,one of theAuxfields can contain thecoordinates,applied using{{coord}}.



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