Ward, John Milton
Đồng tính đồng danh の trứ giả を kiểm tác
Charles-Louis Didelot; introduction by Roland John Wiley
Stainer & Bell 1994 Music for London entertainment 1660-1800 Ser. D. Pantomime,ballet & social dance / editor,John M. Ward; v. 3
Lặc phổ ( ấn xoát ) (スコア)
Sở tàng quán 1 quán
[transcribed and] edited by John M. Ward
Editions Orphée 1994 Monuments of the lutenist art vol. 3
:complete set, [A]: keyboard transcriptin, [B]: tablature, [C]: guitar transcription Lặc phổ ( ấn xoát ) (いずれでもないもの)
Anthony L'Abbé; introduction by Carol G. Marsh
Stainer & Bell 1991 Music for London entertainment 1660-1800 Ser. D. Pantomime,ballet & social dance / editor,John M. Ward; v. 2
Lặc phổ ( ấn xoát ) (いずれでもないもの)
with an introduction, inventory, and index by Arthur J. Ness and John M. Ward
Editions Orphée 1989
edited by Anne Dhu Shapiro; assistant editor, Phyllis Benjamin
Dept. of Music, Harvard University 1985
Sở tàng quán 13 quán
John Milton Ward
University Microfilms International c1971
edited by John Ward
Wellesley College 1964 2nd ed., corr., rev., and augm The Wellesley edition 3