Đồng tính đồng danh の trứ giả を kiểm tác
Victor Robinson
Legare Street Press [2023]
Sở tàng quán 1 quán
Kessinger [200-?] Kessinger Publishing's rare reprints
by Richard von Krafft-Ebing; with introduction and supplement by Victor Robinson
Pioneer 1953, c1939
Sở tàng quán 4 quán
by Victor Robinson
H. Schuman c1946
Sở tàng quán 3 quán
edited by Victor Robinson
Publishers Foundation 1943
Row, Peterson c1941 The way of life series
Sở tàng quán 8 quán
Dingwall-Rock, in collaboration with Medical Review of Reviews 1936
Sở tàng quán 2 quán
by Paolo Mantegazza; translated from the Italian by Herbert Alexander; edited with an introduction by Victor Robinson
Eugenics Publishing 1936
by Paolo Mantegazza, translated from the latest Italian edition, as approved by the author, by Samuel Putnam; edited with an introduction by Victor Robinson, M.D.
Eugenics c1935
Tudor c1931
Altrurians 1908 Lives of great altrurians