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Lợi dụng phương pháp

University of Tsukuba Library, Central Library

1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba-Shi, Ibaraki-Ken 305-8577



Lai quán lợi dụng đam đương: Lợi dụng giả chi viện đam đương

Điện thoại phiên hào:029-853-6055

Thụ phó thời gian: Khai quán thời gian trung

Chú ý sự hạng: Hòa trang bổn, quý trọng thư, マイクロ tư liêu đẳng の lợi dụng については, sự tiền に liên lạc してください


ILL-Dept:Reference & ILL Section

ILL-Org:University of Tsukuba Library

ILL-Address:1-1-1, Tennodai, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki-ken, JAPAN


ILL-Contact1:Tel:+81-29-853-2373 / Fax(Domestic):029-853-2375 / Fax(int'l):+81-29-853-6021 / E-mail:ref

ILL-Contact2:Online catalogue:

ILL-Calendar:Closed Year-end and new year holidays

ILL-Accept: International: LOAN Yes

ILL-Accept: International: LOAN Traceable courier with insurance Only

ILL-Accept: International: COPY Yes

ILL-Accept-method: International: Fax, Airmail, Web form:

ILL-Payment-method: International: Invoice(deferred payment) Yes

ILL-Payment-method: International: Bank Transfer(deferred payment) Yes

ILL-Payment-method: International: Credit card(prepayment) Yes

ILL-Loan-Period: International: 42 days including mailing period

ILL-Loan-Item-Max: 5 items per library

ILL-Loan-Charge: Postage only (JPY)

ILL-Loan-Delivery-method: Tracked system / No rush service available

ILL-Non-Circulation-items: Pre-1945 publications, Special collection, Microform, Reference collection, Journal issues, Newspaper, DVDs, Dissertation

ILL-Copy-Charge: 60 JPY per sheet(monochrome) & Postage / 120 JPY per sheet(color) & Postage / 70 JPY per sheet(photocopy from microform) & Postage / No rush service available

ILL-Copy-Delivery-method: Airmail

ILL-Note: dissertation: COPY:author's permission required

Các chủng コード

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  • Đồ thư quán gian phục tả サービス
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