Thư chí sự hạng

Computational methods in water resources X

edited by Alexander Peters... [et al.]

( Water science and technology library, v. 12 )

Kluwer Academic, c1994

  • set: acid-free
  • v. 1: acid-free
  • v. 2: acid-free

Đại học đồ thư quán sở tàng  Kiện /Toàn8Kiện

この đồ thư ・ tạp chí をさがす

Chú ký

Edited proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources, held at Universität Heidelberg, Germany, July 1994

Includes bibliographical references

Nội dung thuyết minh ・ mục thứ

Nội dung thuyết minh

This two-volume work constitutes the edited proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources (formerly Finite Elements in Water Resources), held at Heidelberg University, Germany in July 1994, organized jointly by Interdisziplinäres Zentrum für Wissenschaftliches Rechnen (Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Computing) and Sonderforschungsbereich 359 of Heidelberg University and the Institute of Supercomputing and Applied Mathematics of IBM Heidelberg. The 1994 proceedings present the work of authors from 23 countries. Numerical methods, mathematical modeling and applications to subsurface and surface hydrology are covered by a wide variety of papers. Issues of formation description and modeling, including parameter estimation, heterogeneity, and scaling up continue to attract the attention of a large number of researchers. Several papers edited in this book concern the solution of the Navier--Stokes equations. For applied mathematicians, engineers and geoscientists working in the fields of numerical methods, hydrology, ecology, water resources planning and management, remediation design, porous media research, petroleum engineering and coastal engineering.

Mục thứ

1. Groundwater and Flow in Porous Media. 2. Subsurface Transport. 3. Scaling and Heterogeneity. 4. Geostatistics. 5. Reactive Flow. 6. Fractured Porous Media. 7. Parameter Estimation. 8. Remediation and Optimization. 9. Subsurface Multiphase Flow. 10. Saltwater Intrusion. 11. Shallow Water Equations. 12. Flow and Transport in Rivers. 13. Navier--Stokes Equations. 14. Coastal Flow. 15. Sediment Transport. 16. Algebraic Methods. 17. Software Development. 18. Parallel Methods.

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