Bosch, Jan
Cùng họ cùng tên の tác giả を kiểm tác
Jan Bosch
CRC Press c2017 Chapman & Hall/CRC innovations in software engineering and software development
:pbk,: hbk
Sở tàng quán 1 quán
Rafael Capilla, Jan Bosch, Kyo-Chul Kang, editors
Springer c2013
sponsored by IEEE Computer Society Technical Council on Software Engineering (TCSE); [edited by Jeff Magee, Clemens Szyperski, Jan Bosch]
IEEE Computer Society c2004
Sở tàng quán 3 quán
3rd Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA 3), August 25-30, 2002, Montréal, Québec, Canada / edited by Jan Bosch... [et al.]
Kluwer Academic c2002 The International Federation for Information Processing 97
Jan Bosch (ed.)
Springer c2001 Lecture notes in computer science 2186
Sở tàng quán 24 quán
Serge Demeyer, Jan Bosch (eds.)
Springer c1998 Lecture notes in computer science 1543
Sở tàng quán 43 quán
Jan Bosch, Stuart Mitchell (eds.)
Springer c1998 Lecture notes in computer science 1357
Sở tàng quán 52 quán