Cornwel-Smith, Philip


Biệt danh

Smith, Philip Cornwel-

Cùng họ cùng tên の tác giả を kiểm tác

Kiểm tác kết quả5 kiện trung  1-5 を tỏ vẻ

  • Very Bangkok: in the city of the senses

    Philip Cornwel-Smith, author & photographer

    River Books 2020

    Sở tàng quán 1 quán

  • Thailand

    [contributors Philip Cornwel-Smith... et al.]

    Dorling Kindersley 2016 Repr. with revisions Eyewitness travel guides

    Sở tàng quán 1 quán

  • Thailand

    [contributors Philip Cornwel-Smith... et al.]

    Dorling Kindersley 2014 Repr. with revisions Eyewitness travel guides

    Sở tàng quán 1 quán

  • Very Thai: everyday popular culture

    Philip Cornwel-Smith, text & photograph; John Goss, photographs

    River Books 2013 2nd ed

    Sở tàng quán 5 quán

  • Very Thai: everyday popular culture

    Philip Cornwel-Smith; photographs, John Goss & Philip Cornwel-Smith

    River Books 2005

    Sở tàng quán 3 quán

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