Holy ground: theoretical issues relating to the landscape and material culture of ritual space: papers from a session held at the Theoretical Archaeology Group conference, Cardiff 1999

Thư chí hạng mục công việc

Holy ground: theoretical issues relating to the landscape and material culture of ritual space: papers from a session held at the Theoretical Archaeology Group conference, Cardiff 1999

edited by A.T. Smith, A. Brookes

( BAR international series, 956 )

Archaeopress, 2001

タイトル biệt danh

Holy ground

Đại học đồ thư quán sở tàng  Kiện /Toàn2Kiện

こ の đồ thư ・ tạp chí をさがす

Chú nhớ

Includes bibliographical references

Nội dung thuyết minh ・ mục lục

Nội dung thuyết minh

A step-by-step guide to help parents and professionals working with children on the ASD spectrum obtain or write an individualized education plan (IEP). The individual chapters set out the blueprint detailing the crucial building blocks for IEP development. Part I arms the reader with the specific information needed to generate the types of meaningful goals and objectives that lead to effective service delivery. Part II presents several models so that parents and professionals can see how the various elements can deliver an appropriate individualized education programme.

“Nielsen BookData” より

Quan liền văn hiến:  1 kiện trung  1-1を tỏ vẻ

  • BAR international series

    B.A.R., Tempvs Reparatvm, John and Erica Hedges: Archaeopress: British Archaeological Reports, BAR

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