





保险理赔流程Insurance Claims Process

1、门诊理赔所需资料List of materials required for outpatient claim

A. 护照复印件Copy of the passport

B. 国税发票(发票姓名与护照完全一致)Original invoices(Your name on the invoices should be the same as your passport)

C. 病历(与发票日期一致)、诊断证明、化验单、检查报告复印件等Medical record(same date with the invoices), and copy of examination report and laboratory test report of each respective treatment, etc.

D. 理赔申请Reimbursement Application Form

E. 意外事故证明/交警事故认定书Certificate of the accident with signature/CISs stamp(when/where /how, etc.)in case of an accident, (if its a traffic accident, the traffic unit should issue a liability confirmation of traffic accident)

F. 银行账户信息(请携带身份证件和银行卡去银行打印客户信息表,该表内容需包括,准确的户名、卡号、银行名称)

Bank account information form (You are suggested to go to the bank with your ID and debit card, and ask the staff there to print the account information form for you. The information should include the account name, account number, and sub-branch name.)


2、 住院理赔所需资料List of materials required for inpatient claim

A. 护照复印件Copy of the passport

B. 国税发票(发票姓名与护照完全一致)Original invoices(Your name on the invoices should be the same as your passport)

C. 理赔申请Reimbursement Application Form

D. 出院小结/住院病历复印件Copy of hospital discharge summary or medical record of hospitalization

E. 意外事故证明/交警事故认定书Certificate of the accident with signature/CISs stamp(when/where/how, etc.)in case of an accident, (if its a traffic accident, the traffic unit should issue a liability confirmation of traffic accident)

F. 银行账户信息(请携带身份证件和银行卡去银行打印客户信息表,该表内容需包括,准确的户名、卡号、银行名称)

Bank account information form (You are suggested to go to the bank with your ID and debit card, and ask the staff there to print the account information form for you. The information should include the account name, account number, and sub-branch name.)


3、 住院垫付申请流程Process to apply for Advanced payment service for inpatient treatment

A. 拨打4008105119申请住院预付费服务。Call 4008105119 to apply for hospitalization advance payment service.

B. 请按照客服的指示将授权电子邮件和护照复印件发送至[email protected]。 Follow the customer services instructions to send the E-mail of authorization and a photocopy of your passport to [email protected]


4、 申请保险理赔,请扫下方二维码Please scan the QR code to use self-service claims


有关保险责任和保险除外事项的详细信息,请访问 www.lxbx.net查看保险计划详情。上述内容如有矛盾,以中文解释为准。

For the details of the insurance liability and insurance exclusions, please visit www.lxbx.net for insurance plan details. Chinese explanation prevails in case of contradiction arising out of the aforementioned contents.