CodeQL documentation

Supported languages and frameworks

View the languages, libraries, and frameworks supported in the latest version of CodeQL.

Languages and compilers

The current versions of the CodeQL CLI (changelog, releases), CodeQL library packs (source), and CodeQL bundle (releases) support the following languages and compilers.

Language Variants Compilers Extensions
C/C++ C89, C99, C11, C17, C++98, C++03, C++11, C++14, C++17, C++20 [1] [2]

Clang (including clang-cl [3] and armclang) extensions (up to Clang 17.0),

GNU extensions (up to GCC 13.2),

Microsoft extensions (up to VS 2022),

Arm Compiler 5 [4]

.cpp, .c++, .cxx, .hpp, .hh, .h++, .hxx, .c, .cc, .h
C# C# up to 12

Microsoft Visual Studio up to 2019 with .NET up to 4.8,

.NET Core up to 3.1

.NET 5, .NET 6, .NET 7, .NET 8

.sln, .csproj, .cs, .cshtml, .xaml
Go (aka Golang) Go up to 1.23 Go 1.11 or more recent .go
Java Java 7 to 22 [5]

javac (OpenJDK and Oracle JDK),

Eclipse compiler for Java (ECJ) [6]

Kotlin Kotlin 1.5.0 to 2.1.0x kotlinc .kt
JavaScript ECMAScript 2022 or lower Not applicable .js, .jsx, .mjs, .es, .es6, .htm, .html, .xhtm, .xhtml, .vue, .hbs, .ejs, .njk, .json, .yaml, .yml, .raml, .xml [7]
Python [8] 2.7, 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, 3.9, 3.10, 3.11, 3.12 Not applicable .py
Ruby [9] up to 3.3 Not applicable .rb, .erb, .gemspec, Gemfile
Swift [10] Swift 5.4-5.10 Swift compiler .swift
TypeScript [11] 2.6-5.6 Standard TypeScript compiler .ts, .tsx, .mts, .cts
[1]C++20 support is currently in beta. Modules are not supported.
[2]Objective-C, Objective-C++, C++/CLI, and C++/CX are not supported.
[3]Support for the clang-cl compiler is preliminary.
[4]Support for the Arm Compiler (armcc) is preliminary.
[5]Builds that execute on Java 7 to 22 can be analyzed. The analysis understands Java 22 standard language features.
[6]ECJ is supported when the build invokes it via the Maven Compiler plugin or the Takari Lifecycle plugin.
[7]JSX and Flow code, YAML, JSON, HTML, and XML files may also be analyzed with JavaScript files.
[8]The extractor requires Python 3 to run. To analyze Python 2.7 you should install both versions of Python.
[9]Requires glibc 2.17.
[10]Support for the analysis of Swift requires macOS.
[11]TypeScript analysis is performed by running the JavaScript extractor with TypeScript enabled. This is the default.

Frameworks and libraries

The current versions of the CodeQL library and query packs (source) have been explicitly checked against the libraries and frameworks listed below.


If you’re interested in other libraries or frameworks, you can extend the analysis to cover them. For example, by extending the data flow libraries to include data sources and sinks for additional libraries or frameworks.

C and C++ built-in support

Provided by the current versions of the CodeQL query pack codeql/cpp-queries (changelog, source) and the CodeQL library pack codeql/cpp-all (changelog, source).

Name Category
Berkeley socket API library Network communicator
Bloomberg Standard Library Utility library
string.h String library

C# built-in support

Provided by the current versions of the CodeQL query pack codeql/csharp-queries (changelog, source) and the CodeQL library pack codeql/csharp-all (changelog, source).

Name Category
ASP.NET Web application framework
ASP.NET Core Web application framework
ASP.NET Razor templates Web application framework
Dapper Database ORM
EntityFramework Database ORM
EntityFramework Core Database ORM
Json.NET Serialization
NHibernate Database ORM
WinForms User interface

Go built-in support

Provided by the current versions of the CodeQL query pack codeql/go-queries (changelog, source) and the CodeQL library pack codeql/go-all (changelog, source).

Name Category
AWS Lambda Serverless framework
beego Web/logging/database framework
Chi Web framework
Couchbase (gocb and go-couchbase) Database
Echo Web framework
Gin Web framework
glog Logging library
go-pg Database
go-restful Web application framework
go-sh Utility library
go-spew Logging library
GoKit Microservice toolkit
Gokogiri XPath library Network communicator Network communicator
goproxy HTTP proxy library
Gorilla mux HTTP request router and dispatcher
Gorilla websocket Network communicator
GORM Database
GoWebsocket Network communicator
goxpath XPath library
htmlquery XPath library
json-iterator Serialization
jsonpatch Serialization
jsonquery XPath library
klog Logging library
Logrus Logging library
Macaron Web framework
mongo Database Network communicator
protobuf Serialization
Revel Web framework
SendGrid Email library
sqlx Database
Squirrel Database
ws Network communicator
xmlpath XPath library
xmlquery XPath library
xpath XPath library
xpathparser XPath library
yaml Serialization
zap Logging library

Java and Kotlin built-in support

Provided by the current versions of the CodeQL query pack codeql/java-queries (changelog, source) and the CodeQL library pack codeql/java-all (changelog, source).

Name Category
Apache Commons Collections Data structure utility library
Apache Commons Lang Utility library
Apache HTTP components Network communicator
Guava Utility and collections library
Hibernate Database
iBatis / MyBatis Database
Jackson Serialization
Java Persistence API (JPA) Database
JaxRS Jakarta EE API specification
JDBC Database
JSON-java Serialization
Kryo deserialization Serialization
Project Lombok Utility library
Protobuf Serialization
SnakeYaml Serialization
Spring JDBC Database
Spring MVC Web application framework
Struts Web application framework
Thrift RPC framework
XStream Serialization

JavaScript and TypeScript built-in support

Provided by the current versions of the CodeQL query pack codeql/javascript-queries (changelog, source) and the CodeQL library pack codeql/javascript-all (changelog, source).

Name Category
angular (modern version) HTML framework
angular.js (legacy version) HTML framework
AWS Lambda Serverless framework
axios Network communicator
browser Runtime environment
EJS templating language
electron Runtime environment
express Server
Fastify Server
handlebars templating language
hapi Server
hogan templating language
jquery Utility library
koa Server
lodash Utility library
mongodb Database
mssql Database
mustache templating language
mysql Database
nest.js Server
node Runtime environment
nunjucks templating language
postgres Database
ramda Utility library
react HTML framework
react native HTML framework
request Network communicator
restify Server
sequelize Database Network communicator
sqlite3 Database
superagent Network communicator
swig templating language
underscore Utility library
vue HTML framework

Python built-in support

Provided by the current versions of the CodeQL query pack codeql/python-queries (changelog, source) and the CodeQL library pack codeql/python-all (changelog, source).

Name Category
AWS Lambda Serverless framework
aiohttp.web Web framework
Django Web framework
djangorestframework Web framework
FastAPI Web framework
Flask Web framework
Flask-Admin Web framework
Tornado Web framework
Twisted Web framework
Gradio Web framework
starlette Asynchronous Server Gateway Interface (ASGI)
ldap3 Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
python-ldap Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
httpx HTTP client
pycurl HTTP client
requests HTTP client
urllib HTTP client
urllib2 HTTP client
urllib3 HTTP client
dill Serialization
PyYAML Serialization
ruamel.yaml Serialization
simplejson Serialization
toml Serialization
ujson Serialization
fabric Utility library
idna Utility library
invoke Utility library
jmespath Utility library
multidict Utility library
pydantic Utility library
yarl Utility library
aioch Database
aiomysql Database
aiopg Database
aiosqlite Database
asyncpg Database
cassandra-driver Database
clickhouse-driver Database
cx_Oracle Database
mysql-connector Database
mysql-connector-python Database
MySQL-python Database
mysqlclient Database
oracledb Database
phoenixdb Database
psycopg2 Database
pymssql Database
PyMySQL Database
pyodbc Database
sqlite3 Database
Flask-SQLAlchemy Database ORM
peewee Database ORM
SQLAlchemy Database ORM
cryptography Cryptography library
pycryptodome Cryptography library
pycryptodomex Cryptography library
rsa Cryptography library
MarkupSafe Escaping Library
libtaxii TAXII utility library
libxml2 XML processing library
lxml XML processing library
xmltodict XML processing library

Ruby built-in support

Provided by the current versions of the CodeQL query pack codeql/ruby-queries (changelog, source) and the CodeQL library pack codeql/ruby-all (changelog, source).

Name Category
excon HTTP client
faraday HTTP client
http_client HTTP client
httparty HTTP client
libxml-ruby XML processing library
nokogiri XML processing library
open-uri HTTP client
posix-spawn Utility library
rest-client HTTP client
Ruby on Rails Web framework
rubyzip Compression library
typhoeus HTTP client

Swift built-in support

Provided by the current versions of the CodeQL query pack codeql/swift-queries (changelog, source) and the CodeQL library pack codeql/swift-all (changelog, source).

Name Category
AEXML XML processing library
Alamofire Network communicator
Core Data Database
CryptoKit Cryptography library
CryptoSwift Cryptography library
Foundation Utility library
GRDB Database
JavaScriptCore Scripting library
Libxml2 XML processing library
Network Network communicator
Realm Swift Database
RNCryptor Cryptography library
SQLite3 Database
SQLite.swift Database
UIKit User interface library
WebKit User interface library
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