Free Software Foundation

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Deutsch:DieStiftung für freie Software(FSF) ist eine Stiftung, die als gemeinnützige Organisation 1985 vonRichard Stallmanmit dem Zweck gegründet wurde,freie Softwarezu fördern.
English:TheFree Software Foundation(FSF) is a non-profit corporation founded byRichard Stallmanon October 1985 to support thefree softwaremovement.
Français:LaFree Software Foundationestorganisation américaineàbut non lucratiffondée parRichard Stallmanle 4 octobre 1985, dont la mission mondiale est la promotion dulogiciel libreet la défense des utilisateurs. La FSF aide également au financement duprojet GNUdepuis l'origine. Son nom est associé aumouvement du logiciel libre.
Italiano:LaFree Software Foundation(FSF) è una organizzazione non-profit fondata daRichard Stallmannell'ottobre del 1985 per supportare il movimento delfree software.



«The Free Software Foundation and Richard Stallman's work represents the most important work for freedom that this culture (the American culture) has seen in many many generations, because it takes the idea of freedom and it removes it from the ivory tower and it removes it from lawyers and places it in a community—a technology community—that is one of the most important communities defining the contours of freedom that most people in our culture—and increasingly around the world—will know.» (Lawrence Lessig, Creative Commons founder, FSF member.).

Richard Stallman


Richard Matthew Stallman, Founder and President of the Free Software Foundation.



