Signup for an eCO User Account
By becoming a registered user of the Electronic Copyright Office (eCO) website, you will be able to request services electronically through the site. Only the Contact Us and Help portions of the site are accessible to non-registered users.
Every user with an eCO account is responsible for safeguarding access to their account. A User ID and Password should not be shared with anyone else.
How to set up an eCO user account
- In the login area on the left side of the eCO login page, click the New User hyperlink ( “If you are a new user, click here to register” ). Then enter the information requested on the “Personal Information” screen. Note that the required fields are marked with a red asterisk. When you have completed the required fields, click the “Next” button. The Address fields will appear. Complete them and click “Next.”
User ID Requirements
- User IDs should contain at least six characters
- User IDs should contain only letters and numbers, not special characters such as apostrophes, ampersands, etc. (~!@#$%^&*_-+=`|\(){}[]:;” ‘,.?/)
- User IDs names should not contain letters with diacritical marks used in Spanish, French, German, or other languages, such as à, é, ç, ñ, ü, or the like.
Password Requirements
- A password must contain at least sixteen (16) characters, including at least three (3) of the following types of characters:
- Uppercase letters (A-Z)
- Lowercase letters (a-z)
- Numbers (0-9)
- Special characters(~!@#$%^&*_-+=`|\(){}[]:;” ‘,.?/)