Neidio i'r cynnwys


Oddi ar Wicipedia


Digwyddiadau[golygu|golygu cod]

Llyfrau[golygu|golygu cod]

  • Lazarillo de Tormes(Sbaeneg)[3]

Genedigaethau[golygu|golygu cod]

Marwolaethau[golygu|golygu cod]

Cyfeiriadau[golygu|golygu cod]

  1. University of Gauhati (1952).Journal of the University of Gauhati(yn Saesneg). The University. t. 237.
  2. Etienne Jodelle; W. McAllister Johnson (1972).Le Recueil Des Inscriptions, 1558: A Literary and Iconographical Exegesis(yn Saesneg). University of Toronto Press. t. 190.ISBN978-0-8020-0088-0.
  3. Robert L. Fiore (1984).Lazarillo de Tormes(yn Saesneg). Twayne. t. 8.ISBN978-0-8057-6561-8.
  4. Walsh, Michael J. (10 Mai 2006).Pocket Dictionary of Popes(yn Saesneg). A&C Black. t. 58.ISBN9780860124207.
  5. H. R. Woudhuysen (23 May 1996).Sir Philip Sidney and the Circulation of Manuscripts, 1558-1640(yn Saesneg). Clarendon Press. t. 207.ISBN978-0-19-159102-0.
  6. JONES, Sir Thomas (1554-1604), of Abermarlais, Carm.The History of Parliament: the House of Commonsadalwyd 16 Mehefin 2016
  7. 7.07.1Tower of London (London, England) (1937).Authorised Guide to the Tower of London(yn Saesneg). t. 19.
  8. (Saesneg)Hieronymus Bock.Encyclopædia Britannica.Adalwyd ar 8 Mai 2017.