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Creswellian Church-hulen, hvor kulturen har fået sit navn fra.

Creswelliankultureller bareCreswellianer enarkæologisk kulturfraStorbritannieniøvre palæolitikum,og som fik navn efter typestedetCreswell CragsiDerbyshireafDorothy Garrodi 1926.[1]Den er også kendt som britisk senmadeleinekultur.[2]Creswelliankulturen er dateret til mellem 13.000-11.800 f.Kr.[3]og blev efterfulgt af den senesteistidkaldetYngre Dryas,hvor Storbritannien i perioder ikke var beboet.[4]

  1. ^Davies, William; et al. (1999).Dorothy Garrod and the progress of the Palaeolithic: studies in the prehistoric archaeology of the Near East and Europe.Oxbow Books. s. 282.
  2. ^Pettit, Paul; White, Mark (2012).The British Palaeolithic: Human Societies at the Edge of the Pleistocene World.Abingdon, UK: Routledge. s. 440.ISBN978-0-415-67455-3.
  3. ^Robert Hosfield, Vanessa Straker and Paula Gardiner with contributions from Anthony Brown, Paul Davies, Ralph Fyfe, Julie Jones and Heather Tinsley (2007). "Palaeolithic and Mesolithic". I Webster, C.J. (red.).The Archaeology of South West England.Somerset County Council. s. 36.There are numerous radiocarbon determinations on human remains, butchered animal bones and organic artefacts which date the Creswellian to between 13,000-11.800 BP (Jacobi 2004).{{cite book}}:CS1-vedligeholdelse: Flere navne: authors list (link)
  4. ^Stringer, Chris (2011)."The Changing Landscapes of the Earliest Human Occupation of Britain and Europe".I Ashton, N.; et al. (red.).The Ancient Human Occupation of Britain.Elsevier. s. 1.ISBN9780444535979.
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