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Sound of All Human Knowledge Winner Announcement


meta:Editor Survey 2011/Editing Activities
en:Linus's Law,bzw.Eric S. RaymondRegel 8 inDie Kathedrale und der Basar.
Planet Earth population (6.97 billion)>Monthly Wikipedia Readers (1.5 billion)>Monthly Wikipedia Editors (113,304enWP) [data from March 2012, by Halfak (WMF)].
The Virtuous Circle of Wikimedia Projects. -> Participation (Editors) -> Quality (Encyclopedic Articles) -> Reach (Readers) -> Participation (Editors)...
Wikipedia reader decline: Page views on EN, FR, IT, ES, PT Wikipedias 2008 - 2014. Stars for dates for rollout of Google’s Knowledge Graph panels
Wikipedia mobile / desktop page views (WMF Mobile Web & App Quarterly Review 02/2014)
Wikipedia mobile / desktop page views projection (WMF Mobile Web & App Quarterly Review 02/2014)