

UG Library, Unicomer collaborate on 2024 ‘Reading is Fun’ Programme

The University of Guyana has launched its 2024 ‘Reading is Fun’ programme at the University’s Library on the Turkeyen Campus. This initiative which aims to support the development of children from surrounding communities, is being supported by Unicomer, in particular its Courts Optical Department. During the launch of the programme on on Wednesday, July 10th, UG’s Vice-Chancellor, Professor Paloma...

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Teachers’ Union buckles to government’s multi-year pay hike timeframe

After a more than 70-day long teachers’ strike for pay talks to first consider 2019-2023, the Guyana Teachers’ Union (GTU) caved in on government’s long-held position that the multi-year agreement begin from 2024, according to statements from both sides. The GTU said in a statement that it presented a new proposal from 2024 to 2026. “This was based on consultations...

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UG inks agreement for Maoka Taawa University of the Forests Campus in South Rupununi

It will stand before the majestic and mystical Paint Mountain. A one-of-a-kind, a marvel, a monument to intelligence and a testament to the persistent and persevering knowledge of a people…Our people, Maoka Taawa University of the Forests. In a series of three simple but highly significant events in the indigenous village of Aishalton, a 16-year-old dream of our indigenous brothers...

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GTU considers options to prevent removal of teachers from paysheets, sustain pressure for increased salaries

More than 800 teachers Tuesday night mulled options to ensure their names are not taken off paysheets and were told that another round of High Court action could be taken to force the Minister of Labour to send the pay dispute to arbitration. GTU Vice President Collis Nicholson stressed the need for teachers to return to work at least on...

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Govt appeals High Court ruling in favour of teachers’ union

The Guyana government on Wednesday asked the Court of Appeal to throw out High Court Judge, Sandil Kissoon’s entire decision that the teachers’ strike to demand collective bargaining was lawful and legitimate and so monies from their salaries must not be deducted for day off the jog. Attorney General Anil Nandlall also applied to the Guyana Court of Appeal for...

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Children’s NGO condemns flogging of Queen’s College students; calls for end to corporal punishment

The non-governmental organisation, ChildLinK Inc. on Tuesday condemned last week’s flogging of 10 Queen’s College students at that institution and urged the Ministry of Education to abolish corporal punishment in its entirety. “The flogging of children has no place in a modern, progressive society like Guyana and the Ministry of Education should strongly consider taking a more proactive approach to...

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GTU, Education Ministry talks end in stalemate, as strike continues

Talks between the Guyana Teachers Union (GTU) and the Ministry of Education ended in a stalemate over the union’s demand for a 20-percent interim salary increase pending final negotiations and the need for a fixed timeframe for mediation, GTU President Mark Lyte said Monday. No date has been fixed for the two sides to meet in the presence of the...

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NIS payments no longer a condition for UG student loan write-off

The Guyana government on Thursday announced that National Insurance Scheme (NIS) contributions would no longer be required for write-offs of student loans to University of Guyana (UG) graduates, three days after the announcement. “We want to make this easy for our people and other students who have outstanding loans. We don’t want to put in conditions that will create or...

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Teachers Union wants interim pay increase, education ministry rules out talks under duress

The Guyana Teachers’ Union (GTU) is demanding a 20 percent interim pay increase before the teacher’s strike is called off to make way for the start of mediation, but the Ministry of Education on Wednesday said the union’s demand amounted to duress. “We wanted to include an interim payout to teachers before we resume school and have the situation normal...

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