Get ready for watchOS 11

Take advantage of the increased intelligence and capabilities of the Smart Stack with new relevancy cues, interactivity, Live Activities, and more. Plus, bring the magical experience of double tap to your apps.

Want the highlights? Download the watchOS one-sheet

Double Tap API

Define a primary action in your app, so people can just double tap to do what matters most.

Smart Stack

Use cues, including time, date, location, daily routine (like bedtime), and more to have the Smart Stack suggest your widget at just the right moment.

With the AccessoryWidgetGroup template you can provide three separate views and deep link to different parts of your app. And you can add interactivity to let people perform actions without leaving the widget.

Live Activities

iOS Live Activities will automatically display in the Smart Stack on Apple Watch. You can also customize how your Live Activity appears on Apple Watch to provide even more detailed and valuable information at a glance.

Get started with Xcode 16 beta

Use Xcode 16 and the watchOS 11 SDK to build the latest watchOS capabilities into your app.

Download Xcode