
The<use>element takes nodes from within the SVG document, and duplicates them somewhere else. The effect is the same as if the nodes were deeply cloned into a non-exposed DOM, then pasted where theuseelement is, much like clonedtemplate elements.


The following example shows how to use theuseelement to draw a circle with a different fill and stroke color. In the last circle,stroke= "red"will be ignored because stroke was already set onmyCircle.

<svgviewBox="0 0 30 10"xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">



The URL to an element/fragment that needs to be duplicated. SeeUsage notesfor details on common pitfalls.
Value type:<URL>;Default value:none;Animatable:yes

xlink:href Deprecated

An<IRI>reference to an element/fragment that needs to be duplicated. If bothhrefandxlink:hrefare present, the value given byhrefis used.
Value type:<IRI>;Default value:none;Animatable:yes


The x coordinate of an additional final offset transformation applied to the<use>element.
Value type:<coordinate>;Default value:0;Animatable:yes


The y coordinate of an additional final offset transformation applied to the<use>element.
Value type:<coordinate>;Default value:0;Animatable:yes


The width of the use element.
Value type:<length>;Default value:0;Animatable:yes


The height of the use element.
Value type:<length>;Default value:0;Animatable:yes

Note:width,andheighthave no effect onuseelements, unless the element referenced has aviewBox- i.e. they only have an effect whenuserefers to asvgorsymbolelement.

Note:Starting with SVG2,x,y,width,andheightareGeometry Properties,meaning those attributes can also be used as CSS properties for that element.

Usage notes

Most attributes onuseare ignored if the corresponding attribute is already defined on the elementreferencedbyuse.(This differs from how CSS style attributes override those set 'earlier' in the cascade). Onlythe attributesx,y,width,heightandhrefon theuseelement will or may have some effect, described later, if the referenced element has already defined the corresponding attribute. However,any other attributesnot set on the referenced elementwillbe applied to theuseelement.

Since the cloned nodes are not exposed, care must be taken when usingCSSto style auseelement and its cloned descendants. CSS properties are not guaranteed to be inherited by the cloned DOM unless you explicitly request them usingCSS inheritance.

For security reasons, browsers may apply thesame-origin policyonuseelements and may refuse to load a cross-origin URL in thehrefattribute. There is currently no defined way to set a cross-origin policy foruseelements.

Warning:Loading resources with data URIs in thehrefattribute is deprecated for security reasons. This applies to<use href= "data:...and also when settinghrefby using thesetorsetAttributemethod. See "Load from data: URI" in theBrowser compatibilitytable to check support in different browser versions.

Warning:Since SVG 2, thexlink:hrefattribute is deprecated in favor ofhref.Seexlink:hrefpage for more information.

Usage context

CategoriesGraphics element, Graphics referencing element, Structural element
Permitted contentAny number of the following elements, in any order:
Animation elements
Descriptive elements


Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) 2

Browser compatibility

BCD tables only load in the browser