
public interfaceAchievementsClient

A client to interact with achievements functionality.

Public Method Summary

Returns aTask which asynchronously loads anIntent to show the list of achievements for a game.
abstract void
increment(Stringid, int numSteps)
Increments an achievement by the given number of steps.
incrementImmediate(Stringid, int numSteps)
Returns aTask which asynchronously increments an achievement by the given number of steps.
load(boolean forceReload)
Returns aTask which asynchronously loads an annotated AchievementBufferthat represents the achievement data for the currently signed-in player.
abstract void
Reveals a hidden achievement to the currently signed-in player.
Returns aTask which asynchronously reveals a hidden achievement to the currently signed in player.
abstract void
setSteps(Stringid, int numSteps)
Sets an achievement to have at least the given number of steps completed.
setStepsImmediate(Stringid, int numSteps)
Returns aTask which asynchronously sets an achievement to have at least the given number of steps completed.
abstract void
Unlocks an achievement for the currently signed in player.
Returns aTask which asynchronously unlocks an achievement for the currently signed in player.

Public Methods

public abstractTask<Intent> getAchievementsIntent()

Returns aTaskwhich asynchronously loads anIntentto show the list of achievements for a game. Note that theIntentreturned from theTaskmust be invoked with Activity.startActivityForResult(Intent, int),so that the identity of the calling package can be established.

The returnedTaskcan fail with aRemoteException.

public abstract voidincrement(Stringid, int numSteps)

Increments an achievement by the given number of steps. The achievement must be an incremental achievement. Once an achievement reaches at least the maximum number of steps, it will be unlocked automatically. Any further increments will be ignored.

This is the fire-and-forget form of the API. Use this form if you don't need to know the status of the operation immediately. For most applications, this will be the preferred API to use, though note that the update may not be sent to the server until the next sync. See incrementImmediate(String, int)if you need the operation to attempt to communicate to the server immediately or need to have the status code delivered to your application.

id The achievement ID to increment.
numSteps The number of steps to increment by. Must be greater than 0.

public abstractTask<Boolean> incrementImmediate(Stringid, int numSteps)

Returns aTaskwhich asynchronously increments an achievement by the given number of steps. The achievement must be an incremental achievement. Once an achievement reaches at least the maximum number of steps, it will be unlocked automatically. Any further increments will be ignored.

This form of the API will attempt to update the user's achievement on the server immediately. TheBooleanin a successful response indicates whether the achievement is now unlocked.

id The ID of the achievement to increment.
numSteps The number of steps to increment by. Must be greater than 0.

public abstractTask<AnnotatedData<AchievementBuffer>> load(boolean forceReload)

Returns aTaskwhich asynchronously loads an annotated AchievementBufferthat represents the achievement data for the currently signed-in player.

AbstractDataBuffer.release()should be called to release resources after usage.

forceReload Iftrue,this call will clear any locally cached data and attempt to fetch the latest data from the server. This would commonly be used for something like a user-initiated refresh. Normally, this should be set tofalse to gain advantages of data caching.

public abstract voidreveal(Stringid)

Reveals a hidden achievement to the currently signed-in player. If the achievement has already been unlocked, this will have no effect.

This is the fire-and-forget form of the API. Use this form if you don't need to know the status of the operation immediately. For most applications, this will be the preferred API to use, though note that the update may not be sent to the server until the next sync. See revealImmediate(String)if you need the operation to attempt to communicate to the server immediately or need to have the status code delivered to your application.

id The achievement ID to reveal.

public abstractTask<Void>revealImmediate(Stringid)

Returns aTaskwhich asynchronously reveals a hidden achievement to the currently signed in player. If the achievement is already visible, this will have no effect.

This form of the API will attempt to update the user's achievement on the server immediately. TheTaskwill complete successfully when the server has been updated.

id The ID of the achievement to reveal.

public abstract voidsetSteps(Stringid, int numSteps)

Sets an achievement to have at least the given number of steps completed. Calling this method while the achievement already has more steps than the provided value is a no-op. Once the achievement reaches the maximum number of steps, the achievement will automatically be unlocked, and any further mutation operations will be ignored.

This is the fire-and-forget form of the API. Use this form if you don't need to know the status of the operation immediately. For most applications, this will be the preferred API to use, though note that the update may not be sent to the server until the next sync. See setStepsImmediate(String, int)if you need the operation to attempt to communicate to the server immediately or need to have the status code delivered to your application.

id The ID of the achievement to modify.
numSteps The number of steps to set the achievement to. Must be greater than 0.

public abstractTask<Boolean> setStepsImmediate(Stringid, int numSteps)

Returns aTaskwhich asynchronously sets an achievement to have at least the given number of steps completed. Calling this method while the achievement already has more steps than the provided value is a no-op. Once the achievement reaches the maximum number of steps, the achievement will automatically be unlocked, and any further mutation operations will be ignored.

This form of the API will attempt to update the user's achievement on the server immediately. TheBooleanin a successful response indicates whether the achievement is now unlocked.

id The ID of the achievement to modify.
numSteps The number of steps to set the achievement to. Must be greater than 0.

public abstract voidunlock(Stringid)

Unlocks an achievement for the currently signed in player. If the achievement is hidden this will reveal it to the player.

This is the fire-and-forget form of the API. Use this form if you don't need to know the status of the operation immediately. For most applications, this will be the preferred API to use, though note that the update may not be sent to the server until the next sync. See unlockImmediate(String)if you need the operation to attempt to communicate to the server immediately or need to have the status code delivered to your application.

id The achievement ID to unlock.

public abstractTask<Void>unlockImmediate(Stringid)

Returns aTaskwhich asynchronously unlocks an achievement for the currently signed in player. If the achievement is hidden this will reveal it to the player.

This form of the API will attempt to update the user's achievement on the server immediately. TheTaskwill complete successfully when the server has been updated.

id The ID of the achievement to unlock.