
public final classGamesCallbackStatusCodesextendsObject

Status codes for Games callbacks.

Constant Summary

int CLIENT_RECONNECT_REQUIRED This constant is deprecated. Used only for GoogleApiClient Games API.
int INTERNAL_ERROR An unspecified error occurred; no more specific information is available.
int OK The operation was successful.

Public Method Summary

getStatusCodeString(int statusCode)
Get the string associated with the status code.

Inherited Method Summary


public static final int CLIENT_RECONNECT_REQUIRED

This constant is deprecated.
Used only for GoogleApiClient Games API.

The GoogleApiClient is in an inconsistent state and must reconnect to the service to resolve the issue. Further calls to the service using the current connection are unlikely to succeed.

Constant Value:2

public static final int INTERNAL_ERROR

An unspecified error occurred; no more specific information is available. The device logs may provide additional data.

Constant Value:1

public static final int OK

The operation was successful.

Constant Value:0

Public Methods

public staticStringgetStatusCodeString(int statusCode)

Get the string associated with the status code. This can be used for clearer logging messages to avoid having to look up error codes.

statusCode The status code to get the message string for.