
public interfaceSnapshotContentsimplementsParcelable

Data interface for a representation ofSnapshot contents.

Inherited Constant Summary

Public Method Summary

Retrieve theParcelFileDescriptor associated with the underlying file for this snapshot contents.
abstract boolean
abstract boolean
modifyBytes(int dstOffset, byte[] content, int srcOffset, int count)
Write the specified data into the snapshot.
abstract byte[]
Read the contents of a snapshot.
abstract boolean
writeBytes(byte[] content)
Write the specified data into the snapshot.

Inherited Method Summary

Public Methods

public abstractParcelFileDescriptor getParcelFileDescriptor()

Retrieve theParcelFileDescriptor associated with the underlying file for this snapshot contents. This object can be used to update the data of a snapshot, but the snapshot should still be committed using SnapshotsClient mitAndClose(Snapshot, SnapshotMetadataChange)or SnapshotsClient.resolveConflict(String, Snapshot)(in case of conflict resolution).

If this SnapshotContentswas not obtained via Snapshot.getSnapshotContents()or SnapshotsClient.SnapshotConflict.getResolutionSnapshotContents(),or if the contents have already been committed and closed via SnapshotsClient mitAndClose(Snapshot, SnapshotMetadataChange)or SnapshotsClient.resolveConflict(String, Snapshot),this method will throw an exception.


public abstract boolean isClosed()

  • whether this snapshot contents has been closed.

public abstract boolean modifyBytes(int dstOffset, byte[] content, int srcOffset, int count)

Write the specified data into the snapshot. The contents of the snapshot will be replaced with the data provided incontent.The data will be persisted on disk, but is not uploaded to the server until the snapshot is committed via SnapshotsClient mitAndClose(Snapshot, SnapshotMetadataChange).

Note that this form of the API does not necessarily overwrite the entire contents of the file. If you are writing less data than was previously stored in the snapshot, the excess data will remain. Use writeBytes(byte[])to fully overwrite the file.

If the snapshot was not opened via,or if the contents have already been committed via SnapshotsClient mitAndClose(Snapshot, SnapshotMetadataChange),this method will throw an exception.

dstOffset Position in the snapshot file to start writing data to. 0 indicates the head of the file.
content The data to write.
srcOffset Position in content to start writing from.
count Number of bytes from content to write to this snapshot.
  • Whether or not the data was successfully written to disk.

public abstract byte[] readFully()

Read the contents of a snapshot.

If this snapshot was not opened via,or if the contents have already been committed via SnapshotsClient mitAndClose(Snapshot, SnapshotMetadataChange)this method will throw an exception.

  • The bytes of the snapshot contents.
IOException if reading the snapshot failed.

public abstract boolean writeBytes(byte[] content)

Write the specified data into the snapshot. The contents of the snapshot will be replaced with the data provided incontent.The data will be persisted on disk, but is not uploaded to the server until the snapshot is committed via SnapshotsClient mitAndClose(Snapshot, SnapshotMetadataChange).

Note that this form of the API will fully overwrite the contents of the file. No previous data will be retained. Use modifyBytes(int, byte[], int, int)to overwrite parts of the file.

If the snapshot was not opened via,or if the contents have already been committed via SnapshotsClient mitAndClose(Snapshot, SnapshotMetadataChange),this method will throw an exception.

content The data to write.
  • Whether or not the data was successfully written to disk.