
public abstract classAbstractAdRequestBuilderextendsObject
Known Direct Subclasses

A base builder class to help construct ad requests.

Public Method Summary

addCustomEventExtrasBundle(Class<? extendsCustomEvent> adapterClass,Bundle customEventExtras)
This method is deprecated. Use addNetworkExtrasBundle(Class, Bundle)instead.
Adds a keyword for targeting purposes.
addNetworkExtrasBundle(Class<? extendsMediationExtrasReceiver> adapterClass,Bundle networkExtras)
Adds extra parameters to pass to a specific ad network adapter.
Sets an ad string that represents an ad response.
Sets the content URL for a web site whose content matches the app's primary content.
setHttpTimeoutMillis(int httpTimeoutMillis)
Sets a custom timeout for HTTPS calls made by the Google Mobile Ads SDK during an ad request.
setNeighboringContentUrls(List<String> neighboringContentUrls)
Sets URLs representing web content near an ad.
setRequestAgent(String requestAgent)
Sets the request agent string to identify the ad request's origin.

Protected Method Summary

abstract T
Returns the self instance of a specified subtype.

Inherited Method Summary

Public Methods

public TaddCustomEventExtrasBundle(Class<? extendsCustomEvent> adapterClass,Bundle customEventExtras)

This method is deprecated.
Use addNetworkExtrasBundle(Class, Bundle)instead.

Adds extra parameters to pass to a specific custom event adapter.

adapterClass TheClassof the custom event adapter for which you are providing extras.
customEventExtras ABundleof extra information to pass to a custom event adapter.

public TaddKeyword(Stringkeyword)

Adds a keyword for targeting purposes.

public TaddNetworkExtrasBundle(Class<? extendsMediationExtrasReceiver> adapterClass,Bundle networkExtras)

Adds extra parameters to pass to a specific ad network adapter.

adapterClass TheClassof the adapter that should receive extras.
networkExtras ABundleof extra information to pass to a mediation adapter.

public TsetAdString(StringadString)

Sets an ad string that represents an ad response. If set, the SDK will render this ad and ignore all other targeting information set on this request.

public TsetContentUrl(String contentUrl)

Sets the content URL for a web site whose content matches the app's primary content. This web site content is used for targeting and brand safety purposes.

NullPointerException If contentUrl is {code null}.
IllegalArgumentException If contentUrl is empty, or if its length exceeds 512.

public TsetHttpTimeoutMillis(int httpTimeoutMillis)

Sets a custom timeout for HTTPS calls made by the Google Mobile Ads SDK during an ad request.

If your app uses mediation, this timeout does not apply to network calls made by third-party ad network SDKs.

httpTimeoutMillis An integer specifying the HTTPS timeout in milliseconds. Any values lower than 5000(5 seconds) will be ignored. The default value is 60000(60 seconds).

public TsetNeighboringContentUrls(List<String> neighboringContentUrls)

Sets URLs representing web content near an ad. Promotes brand safety and allows displayed ads to have an app level rating (MA, T, PG, etc) that is more appropriate to neighboring content.

neighboringContentUrls The list of neighboring content URLs to be attached to the existing neighboring content URLs.

public TsetRequestAgent(String requestAgent)

Sets the request agent string to identify the ad request's origin. Third party libraries that reference the Mobile Ads SDK should call this method to denote the platform from which the ad request originated. For example, if a third party ad network called "CoolAds network" mediates requests to the Mobile Ads SDK, it should call this method with "CoolAds".

Protected Methods

protected abstract Tself()

Returns the self instance of a specified subtype.