
public interfaceCustomEvent
Known Indirect Subclasses

This interface is deprecated.
UseAdapter instead.

ACustomEventis similar to aMediationAdapter except that it is a completely self-service mechanism for publishers to create their own adapter.

The most common use case for aCustomEventis to add support for an ad network that doesn't already provide its ownMediationAdapter.

There is no reason to implement this interface directly. Instead, custom events should implementCustomEventBanner and CustomEventInterstitial.

Public Method Summary

abstract void
Tears down the adapter control.
abstract void
Called when the application callsBaseAdView.pause().
abstract void
Called when the application callsBaseAdView.resume().

Public Methods

public abstract voidonDestroy()

Tears down the adapter control.

This is called at the end of the custom event's life cycle. The adapter is expected to release any resources and shut down. After this method is called, any subsequent calls to any other method on this adapter may throw anIllegalStateException.

This method is not guaranteed to be called. There are a number of reasons that this method can be skipped, such as a force close of the application.

public abstract voidonPause()

Called when the application callsBaseAdView.pause(). The custom event is expected to pause any processing associated with the ad being shown.

public abstract voidonResume()

Called when the application callsBaseAdView.resume(). The adapter is expected to resume any processing associated with the ad being shown.