
public interfaceCustomEventBannerListenerimplementsCustomEventListener

This interface is deprecated.
UseAdapterand MediationAdLoadCallback instead.

Custom events that implementCustomEventBanner should use this listener to send callbacks to the mediation library to properly manage ad flow.

Public Method Summary

abstract void
Indicates that a view has been requested and successfully received.

Inherited Method Summary

Public Methods

public abstract voidonAdLoaded(Viewview)

Indicates that a view has been requested and successfully received. This view may be displayed after this method has been called.

Once an ad view is requested, the custom event must report either onAdLoadedor CustomEventListener.onAdFailedToLoad(AdError).If no response is received within a time limit, the mediation library may move on to another adapter, resulting in the custom event's view not being shown.

view The view to be displayed.