
public final classCustomEventExtrasextendsObject

This class is deprecated.
This class will only work with implementations of the oldCustomEventAdapter which has been deprecated in favor ofCustomEventBanner and CustomEventInterstitial.To pass extras to custom events that implement CustomEventBanner or CustomEventInterstitial,call AbstractAdRequestBuilder.addCustomEventExtrasBundle(Class extends CustomEvent> ,Bundle)with the class of yourCustomEventBanner or CustomEventInterstitialimplementation and aBundle.

Extra parameters for mediation custom events. The extra parameters are stored using the label of the custom event.

Public Constructor Summary

Public Method Summary

Returns the extra parameter for the custom event with the provided label.
setExtra(Stringlabel, Object value)
Sets an extra parameter for the custom event with the provided label.

Inherited Method Summary

Public Constructors


Public Methods


Returns the extra parameter for the custom event with the provided label.

public voidsetExtra(Stringlabel,Objectvalue)

Sets an extra parameter for the custom event with the provided label.