
public interfaceCustomEventListener
Known Indirect Subclasses

This interface is deprecated.
UseAdapterand MediationAdLoadCallback instead.

A base custom event listener for banner and interstitial ads. Do not implement this interface directly. Instead, implement CustomEventBannerListenerand/or CustomEventInterstitialListenerand/or CustomEventNativeListener.

Public Method Summary

abstract void
Indicates that the user has clicked on this custom event.
abstract void
Indicates that the custom event rendered something in full screen and is now transferring control back to the application.
abstract void
onAdFailedToLoad(int errorCode)
This method is deprecated. Use onAdFailedToLoad(AdError)instead.
abstract void
Indicates that a custom event request has failed along with the underlying cause.
abstract void
Indicates that user interaction with the custom event is causing the device to switch to a different application (such as a web browser).
abstract void
Indicates that the custom event is rendering something that is full screen.

Public Methods

public abstract voidonAdClicked()

Indicates that the user has clicked on this custom event. This is used for publisher metrics, and must be called in addition to any other events; this event is never inferred by the mediation library. For example, onAdLeftApplication()would generally mean that the user has clicked on an ad, but onAdClicked()must be called regardless.

public abstract voidonAdClosed()

Indicates that the custom event rendered something in full screen and is now transferring control back to the application. This may be the user returning from a different application.

See Also

public abstract voidonAdFailedToLoad(int errorCode)

This method is deprecated.
Use onAdFailedToLoad(AdError)instead.

Indicates that a custom event request has failed along with the underlying cause. A failure may be an actual error or just a lack of fill.

Once an ad is requested, the custom event must report either success or failure. If no response is received within a time limit, the Google Mobile Ads SDK moves on to another adapter, resulting in a potentially successful ad not being shown.

errorCode An error code detailing the cause of the failure.

public abstract voidonAdFailedToLoad(AdError adError)

Indicates that a custom event request has failed along with the underlying cause. A failure may be an actual error or just a lack of fill.

Once an ad is requested, the custom event must report either success or failure. If no response is received within a time limit, the Google Mobile Ads SDK moves on to another adapter, resulting in a potentially successful ad not being shown.

adError AdError detailing the cause of the failure.

public abstract voidonAdLeftApplication()

Indicates that user interaction with the custom event is causing the device to switch to a different application (such as a web browser). This must be called before the current application is put in the background.

public abstract voidonAdOpened()

Indicates that the custom event is rendering something that is full screen. This may be anActivity,or it may be a precursor to switching to a different application.

Once this screen is dismissed, onAdClosed()must be called.