Contains classes for native ads functionality within Google Mobile Ads.


NativeAdOptions.AdChoicesPlacement AdChoices icon placement.
NativeAdOptions.NativeMediaAspectRatio Media aspect ratio.
NativeAdOptions.SwipeGestureDirection Custom click swipe gesture direction.


NativeAd.OnNativeAdLoadedListener Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a native ad has successfully loaded.
NativeAd.UnconfirmedClickListener A listener interface apps can use to receive unconfirmed click events when using the Confirmed Click feature.
NativeCustomFormatAd An Ad Manager custom native ad format.
NativeCustomFormatAd.DisplayOpenMeasurement An interface for open measurement in display ads.
NativeCustomFormatAd.OnCustomClickListener Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a user clicks on a custom native ad format.
NativeCustomFormatAd.OnCustomFormatAdLoadedListener Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a custom native ad format has successfully loaded.


AdChoicesView View for displaying AdChoices content.
MediaView View for displaying native advanced ad media content.
NativeAd A Google native ad.
NativeAd.AdChoicesInfo Attribution information.
NativeAd.Image A native ad image asset.
NativeAdAssetNames Asset names used forNativeAd.
NativeAdOptions Used to configure native ad requests.
NativeAdOptions.Builder Builder class forNativeAdOptions.
NativeAdView Root view forNativeAd.
NativeAdViewHolder View holder for native ads which is an alternative way to show native ads.