
public classQueryInfoextendsObject

Data returned by query info generation.

Public Method Summary

static void
generate(Context context,AdFormat adFormat,AdRequest adRequest, QueryInfoGenerationCallbackcallback)
Generates query info that can be used as input in an ad request.
static void
generate(Context context,AdFormat adFormat,AdRequest adRequest,StringadUnitId, QueryInfoGenerationCallbackcallback)
Generates query info that can be used as input in an ad request.
Gets query info that can be used as input in an ad request.

Inherited Method Summary

Public Methods

public static voidgenerate(Contextcontext, AdFormat adFormat,AdRequestadRequest, QueryInfoGenerationCallback callback)

Generates query info that can be used as input in an ad request.

context The application context.
adFormat The format of the ad being requested.
adRequest The ad request object that contains targeting information.
callback A QueryInfoGenerationCallbackto receive callbacks. Callbacks are invoked asynchronously on the UI thread once query info has been successfully generated or when an error occurs.

public static voidgenerate(Contextcontext, AdFormat adFormat,AdRequestadRequest, StringadUnitId, QueryInfoGenerationCallback callback)

Generates query info that can be used as input in an ad request.

context The application context.
adFormat The format of the ad being requested.
adRequest The ad request object that contains targeting information.
adUnitId The ad unit ID.
callback A QueryInfoGenerationCallbackto receive callbacks. Callbacks are invoked asynchronously on the UI thread once query info has been successfully generated or when an error occurs.


Gets query info that can be used as input in an ad request.