
public final classDynamicHeightSearchAdRequestextendsObject

Use to configure Custom Search Ad (CSA) ad requests. A dynamic height search banner can contain multiple ads and the height is set dynamically based on the ad contents. Please cross-reference the property sections and properties with theofficial reference document.

Nested Class Summary

class DynamicHeightSearchAdRequest.Builder Builds a DynamicHeightSearchAdRequest.

Public Method Summary

<T extendsCustomEvent> Bundle
getCustomEventExtrasBundle(Class<T> adapterClass)
Returns extra parameters to pass to a specific custom event adapter.
<T extendsMediationAdapter> Bundle
getNetworkExtrasBundle(Class<T> adapterClass)
Returns extra parameters to pass to a specific ad network adapter.
Returns the query of the search ad request.
isTestDevice(Context context)
Returnstrueif this device will receive test ads.

Inherited Method Summary

Public Methods

publicBundlegetCustomEventExtrasBundle(Class<T> adapterClass)

Returns extra parameters to pass to a specific custom event adapter. Returns nullif no custom event extras of the provided type were set.

publicBundlegetNetworkExtrasBundle(Class<T> adapterClass)

Returns extra parameters to pass to a specific ad network adapter. Returns nullif no network extras of the provided type were set.


Returns the query of the search ad request.

public booleanisTestDevice(Context context)

Returnstrueif this device will receive test ads.