
public classAppSearchManagerextendsObject

Provides access to the centralized AppSearch index maintained by the system.

AppSearch is an offline, on-device search library for managing structured data featuring:

Applications create a database by opening anAppSearchClient.


AppSearchManager appSearchManager = context.getSystemService(AppSearchManager.class);

AppSearchManager.SearchContext searchContext = new AppSearchManager.SearchContext.Builder().
appSearchManager.createSearchSession(searchContext, mExecutor, AppSearchClientResult -> {
mAppSearchClient = AppSearchClientResult.getResultValue();

After opening the session, a schema must be set in order to define the organizational structure of data. The schema is set by calling AppSearchClient.setSchema(SetSchemaRequest, String).The schema is composed of a collection ofAppSearchSchema objects, each of which defines a unique type of data.


AppSearchSchema emailSchemaType = new AppSearchSchema.Builder( "Email" )
.addProperty(new StringPropertyConfig.Builder( "subject" )
.setInde xing Type(PropertyConfig.INDEXING_TYPE_PREFIXES)

SetSchemaRequest request = new SetSchemaRequest.Builder().addSchema(emailSchemaType).build();
mAppSearchClient.set(request, mExecutor, appSearchResult -> {
if (appSearchResult.isSuccess()) {
// Schema has been successfully set.

The basic unit of data in AppSearch is represented as aGenericDocument object, containing an ID, namespace, time-to-live, score, and properties. A namespace organizes a logical group of documents. For example, a namespace can be created to group documents on a per-account basis. An ID identifies a single document within a namespace. The combination of namespace and ID uniquely identifies aGenericDocument in the database.

Once the schema has been set,GenericDocument objects can be put into the database and indexed by calling AppSearchClient.put(PutDocumentsRequest, String).


// Although for this example we use GenericDocument directly, we recommend extending
// GenericDocument to create specific types (i.e. Email) with specific setters/getters.
GenericDocument email = new GenericDocument.Builder<>(NAMESPACE, ID, EMAIL_SCHEMA_TYPE)
.setPropertyString( “subject”, EMAIL_SUBJECT)

PutDocumentsRequest request = new PutDocumentsRequest.Builder().addGenericDocuments(email)
mAppSearchClient.put(request, mExecutor, appSearchBatchResult -> {
if (appSearchBatchResult.isSuccess()) {
// All documents have been successfully indexed.

Searching within the database is done by calling, SearchSpec, String)and providing the query string to search for, as well as aSearchSpec.

Alternatively, AppSearchClient.getByDocumentId(GetByDocumentIdRequest, String)can be called to retrieve documents by namespace and ID.

Document removal is done either by time-to-live expiration, or explicitly calling a remove operation. Remove operations can be done by namespace and ID via AppSearchClient.remove(RemoveByDocumentIdRequest, String),or by query via AppSearchClient.remove(String, SearchSpec, String).

Nested Class Summary

class AppSearchManager.SearchContext Contains information about how to create the search session.

Inherited Method Summary