
public static final classAppSearchSchema.StringPropertyConfig.BuilderextendsObject

Public Constructor Summary

Public Method Summary

Constructs a new AppSearchSchema.StringPropertyConfigfrom the contents of this builder.
setCardinality(int cardinality)
Sets the cardinality of the property (whether it is optional, required or repeated).
Sets a natural language description of this property.
setInde xing Type(int inde xing Type)
Configures how a property should be indexed so that it can be retrieved by queries.
setJoinableValueType(int joinableValueType)
Configures how this property should be used as a joining matcher.
setTokenizerType(int tokenizerType)
Configures how this property should be tokenized (split into words).

Inherited Method Summary

Public Constructors

publicBuilder(String propertyName)

Public Methods

public AppSearchSchema.StringPropertyConfigbuild()

Constructs a new AppSearchSchema.StringPropertyConfigfrom the contents of this builder.

public AppSearchSchema.StringPropertyConfig.BuildersetCardinality(int cardinality)

Sets the cardinality of the property (whether it is optional, required or repeated).

If this method is not called, the default cardinality is AppSearchSchema.PropertyConfig.CARDINALITY_OPTIONAL.

public AppSearchSchema.StringPropertyConfig.BuildersetDescription(String description)

Sets a natural language description of this property.

For more details about the description field, see AppSearchSchema.PropertyConfig.getDescription().

public AppSearchSchema.StringPropertyConfig.BuildersetInde xing Type(int inde xing Type)

Configures how a property should be indexed so that it can be retrieved by queries.

If this method is not called, the default inde xing type is AppSearchSchema.StringPropertyConfig.INDEXING_TYPE_NONE,so that it cannot be matched by queries.

public AppSearchSchema.StringPropertyConfig.BuildersetJoinableValueType(int joinableValueType)

Configures how this property should be used as a joining matcher.

If this method is not called, the default joinable value type is AppSearchSchema.StringPropertyConfig.JOINABLE_VALUE_TYPE_NONE,so that it is not joinable.

At most, 64 properties can be set as joinable per schema.

public AppSearchSchema.StringPropertyConfig.BuildersetTokenizerType(int tokenizerType)

Configures how this property should be tokenized (split into words).

If this method is not called, the default inde xing type is AppSearchSchema.StringPropertyConfig.TOKENIZER_TYPE_NONE,so that it is not tokenized.

This method must be called with a value other than AppSearchSchema.StringPropertyConfig.TOKENIZER_TYPE_NONEif the property is indexed (that is, if setInde xing Type(int)has been called with a value other than AppSearchSchema.StringPropertyConfig.INDEXING_TYPE_NONE).