
public static final classGetByDocumentIdRequest.BuilderextendsObject

Builder forGetByDocumentIdRequest objects.

Public Constructor Summary


Public Method Summary

Adds one or more document IDs to the request.
addIds(Collection<String> ids)
Adds a collection of IDs to the request.
addProjection(StringschemaType, Collection<String> propertyPaths)
Adds property paths for the specified type to be used for projection.
addProjectionPaths(StringschemaType, Collection<PropertyPath> propertyPaths)
Adds property paths for the specified type to be used for projection.

Inherited Method Summary

Public Constructors


Public Methods

publicGetByDocumentIdRequest.Builder addIds(String...ids)

Adds one or more document IDs to the request.

publicGetByDocumentIdRequest.Builder addIds(Collection<String> ids)

Adds a collection of IDs to the request.

publicGetByDocumentIdRequest.Builder addProjection(StringschemaType,Collection<String> propertyPaths)

Adds property paths for the specified type to be used for projection. If property paths are added for a type, then only the properties referred to will be retrieved for results of that type. If a property path that is specified isn't present in a result, it will be ignored for that result. Property paths cannot be null.

If no property paths are added for a particular type, then all properties of results of that type will be retrieved.

If property path is added for the GetByDocumentIdRequest.PROJECTION_SCHEMA_TYPE_WILDCARD,then those property paths will apply to all results, excepting any types that have their own, specific property paths set.

publicGetByDocumentIdRequest.Builder addProjectionPaths(String schemaType,Collection<PropertyPath> propertyPaths)

Adds property paths for the specified type to be used for projection. If property paths are added for a type, then only the properties referred to will be retrieved for results of that type. If a property path that is specified isn't present in a result, it will be ignored for that result. Property paths cannot be null.

If no property paths are added for a particular type, then all properties of results of that type will be retrieved.

If property path is added for the GetByDocumentIdRequest.PROJECTION_SCHEMA_TYPE_WILDCARD,then those property paths will apply to all results, excepting any types that have their own, specific property paths set.

publicGetByDocumentIdRequest build()

Builds a newGetByDocumentIdRequest.