
public static final classAuthorizationRequest.BuilderextendsObject

Builder forAuthorizationRequest.

Public Constructor Summary

Public Method Summary

addResourceParameter(AuthorizationRequest.ResourceParameter resourceParameter,String resourceParameterValue)
Adds a resource parameter.
filterByHostedDomain(String hostedDomain)
Specifies a hosted domain restriction.
requestOfflineAccess(String serverClientId)
Specifies that offline access is requested.
requestOfflineAccess(String serverClientId, boolean forceCodeForRefreshToken)
Specifies that offline access is requested.
setAccount(Account account)
Specifies an account on the device that should be used.
setRequestedScopes(List<Scope> requestedScopes)
Sets the list of OAuth 2.0 scopes that the application is requesting.

Inherited Method Summary

Public Constructors


Public Methods

public AuthorizationRequest.BuilderaddResourceParameter(AuthorizationRequest.ResourceParameter resourceParameter,String resourceParameterValue)

Adds a resource parameter.

publicAuthorizationRequest build()

public AuthorizationRequest.BuilderfilterByHostedDomain(String hostedDomain)

Specifies a hosted domain restriction.

By setting this, authorization will be restricted to accounts of the user in the specified domain.

hostedDomain domain of the user to restrict (for example, "" ),

public AuthorizationRequest.BuilderrequestOfflineAccess(String serverClientId)

Specifies that offline access is requested. When offline access is requested, an authorization code is returned so the server can use the authorization code to exchange for a refresh token. The refresh token allows the server to access Google data when the user is not actively using the app.

serverClientId The client ID of the server that will need the authorization code.

public AuthorizationRequest.BuilderrequestOfflineAccess(StringserverClientId, boolean forceCodeForRefreshToken)

Specifies that offline access is requested. When offline access is requested, an authorization code is returned so the server can use the authorization code to exchange for a refresh token. The refresh token allows the server to access Google data when the user is not actively using the app.

serverClientId The client ID of the server that will need the authorization code.
forceCodeForRefreshToken If true, the granted code can be exchanged for an access token and a refresh token. The first time you retrieve a code, a refresh token will be granted automatically. Subsequent requests will require additional user consent. Use false by default; only use true if your server has suffered some failure and lost the user's refresh token.

public AuthorizationRequest.BuildersetAccount(Account account)

Specifies an account on the device that should be used.

account The account on the device that should be used for authorization.

public AuthorizationRequest.BuildersetRequestedScopes(List<Scope> requestedScopes)

Sets the list of OAuth 2.0 scopes that the application is requesting.